Philips  Wake-up Light

Philips Wake-up Light

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I was excited to receive this new product and could not wait to try it out. I was happy with the alternative settling sound to replace music blaring in my ears. I must take pic and forward to family and friends. Most of them are.not morning people and they have to get their own because they are not getting mine.

I've tried the Philips Wake-Up light for two mornings and I love it! I think what I like even more than the light feature is the option to have chirping birds as the alarm sound instead of a buzzer. The light and birds sound is such a calmer way to wake up.

I am not a morning person. I hate waking up to the buzzing alarm clock in the dark. I've used the light for the past 3 days and LOVE IT! Its so nice to wake up to a gradual "sunlight" and birds chirping. I'm going to get one for each of my family member for chirstmas. I know they will love it as much as I do!

I have to admit, I love it. For the past couple of days, I have woken up gradually with no grogginess, awake and alert! I'm not a morning person, so that's pretty impressive. I've been on time and haven't felt jarred awake as usual.It's subtle, easy, and quiet. I didn't even fall asleep on the bus this morning as I usually do. I didn't need caffeine as urgently either, which is a real plus in my book. I would get one for everyone I know if I could.

After using the Philips wake-up light for a few days I have noticed that I wake up easier than before. I always feel more awake and ready to start my day . The first time I used it the bird chirping woke me up but as I have used it, I wake up when the light is bright before the chirping so a great start. I think I might give some to my family for christmas.

I just got this over the weekend and tried it out for the first time this morning. Lately I have been having trouble waking up in the morning so this came at just the right time. I woke up initially when the light was low but it was soft enough that I was able to go back to sleep for the extra few minutes. The radio alarm was great because it didnt jar me awake by suddenly be so loud, instead it slowly increased in volume so I was able to wake up slowly. It was the first time in a long time that I woke up feeling refreshed and got out of bed quickly, instead of laying there for another ten minutes trying to wake up enough to move. I highly rcommend this to anyone that dislikes the traditional jarring alarm clock and am thinking of getting one of these for my boyfriend for christmas. The only setback I saw was that I wish the display was larger because I couldnt read the display very well with my glasses off.

I just got mine today..Will get it up and running need to say I am excited..I always wake up so grumpy..I hope this helps my mood.......

I just received my wake-up light this afternoon and with my and my husband's anticipation we immediately plugged it in and programmed it. My first impression was "Wow" this is larger than I had expected even though I had previously viewed and read about them on Phillip's website. My mind was thinking small - as usual. The wake-up light was extremely easy set up and we easily got my favorite radio station that is playing continuous Christmas music - wonderful all the way around. So now I am anxious to try it out in the morning and see how it wakes me up. Thank you for this opportunity and the early Christmas gift of rested mornings.

I used my Philips Wake Up Light this morning for the first time. Wow, I had neglected to set the sound part of the alarm, but the light alone was enough to rouse me ffrom my slumber. It was wonderful the way the light hit my eyelids like the sun streaming through a window, I could almost feel the warmth. I'm going to set the sound to birds chirping to get the full effect this coming week. I can't wait to tell friends and family about this fantastic device. What a great gift idea.

I have been using the Philips Wake up Light for a week... and I love it. Fall and Winter is always so dark and grey, the wake up light in the morning makes a such a difference. Before the wake up light I would wake up 15 minutes before I had to get out of bed and turn on a light to help my body adjust but not anymore the Philips Wake up light helps my body wake up gradually.

On day 2 of using the wake up light and so far so good! Easy set-up and directions. I am NOT a morning person and do not hear "real alarms". Love the way it gradually comes on and wakes up slowly, it makes for a gentle natural awakening. I selected the birds for the first day and the tones for the second, birds were more effective for me, so far, will try the radio next. Would like to have more options of sounds or at least have the bird sounds be a bit different, perhaps a mockingbird through all of it's calls? seems that the bird calls on there now end sort of at an "odd" time, right before it starts to repeat.

It's just like waking up to the sun naturally rising.It provides a more pleasant way to start the day.No abusive ear beating alarm, piercing your ear drums and putting you in an instant bad mood, like most alarm clocks.I love it and recommend it to anyone whose bedroom windows do not face the natural rise of the sun.or for anyone who hates to wake up to that obnoxious sounding alarm clock.Great product.

I have always had a hard time waking up in the morning during the fall and winter months because there just is not enough light to wake me up.Now since I have been using the Philips Wake-up Light,that has changed for me. The gradual light it gives off really helps wake me up naturally just like the way the sun does when it comes into my room in the spring and summer mornings and it helps give me the boost of energy I need to get out of bed.The sound of the birds also help it seem more natural for me,I love that. The Philips Wake-up Light is by far a much better way to wake up rather than using an ordinary alarm clock and I could never go back to using one now that I have tried the innovative light therapy. I beleive that this product is the answer for those who have a hard time waking up in the morning due to lack of sunlight and who also have a hard time waking up from an ordinary alarm clock .The Philips Wake-up Light could be their better morning.

I love it! Felt refreshed. My 12yo tried it also, wants one now. He didnt wake up crabby.

I love this product SOOO much! I am so happy to have had the opportunity to try it!!! I just adore the levels of lighting you can choose from. I love it taking advantage of the adjustable light. I love to have it bright for reading on my beside table or super dim as a night light at night while I watch tv. It's amazingly easy to use and to set. The options for the alarm clock are great, they are all so great sounding. I like the chime. The added light leading up to your alarm time and then after is great, the gradual increase is great and helps me when I'm trying to adjust my eyes and get my robe and slippers on. Having this light in Maine at the start of the winter and at the time of daylight savings is just great. I've loved trying it and would truly miss this product if it was gone. My only complaint is that I wish it had an additional alarm setting for my husband. The dim light has been nice on days when he needs to get up and I don't because it's just enough light for him to see around the room without disturbing me and then he just shut it off when he's done. It's great. The clock I used previous to this had very large #s which I loved...I do miss that, but it doesn't change that I love this product, although if a new version came out with a bigger screen I'd buy it for sure!