Hormel Compleats Kids Beef Ravioli

Hormel Compleats Kids Beef Ravioli

              Rated #11 in Meat, Seafood, and Proteins
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1117 Reviews 3.4/5 stars
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my child would even bother with this item either.

My kid wouldn't even try it and she is good about trying new foods.. .I tried it and eww...

Easy to prepare meals that are very time saving...but the kids would not eat them.

My kids did not like this. We felt the taste and texture were quite poor. The sauce was bland (I realize it is for children, but it just didn't taste like anything,) and the ravioli was overly soft - almost mushy. The only plus was the quick cooking time. We don't eat a lot of pre-packaged foods so maybe this is the quality that I should expect. I did try this myself and I just couldn't eat it. It just wasn't good food to us. This is the first one we tried and I can't even bring myself to open the other three. I'm sorry, I will not be buying this product.

My 4yo would not get near it, my 6yo tasted it & said there was lots of meat in it but he like the "other Ravioli" better...chef boyardee. My 11yo wouldn't try it either. No go for us...

My children didn't like the taste

I have 3 kids ages 8,5 and 2. None of them would eat this. I tried it and I didn't not taste any meat in it at all. It was very bland and doughy. It was very fast and easy to cook and maybe has less sodium but if no one will eat it...

My 4 year old son thought it was "nasty"... my daughter wouldn't even eat it, and she'll even eat brussel sprouts! I wouldn't recommend or buy these products based on the price and the taste. They need some more work.

my son thought it was ok...did not care for the sauce

These were superdeeduper gross. I feel terrible because they were free, but it was SO bad. all 5 of my kids refused more than a bite, and so I tired it... It was pretty horrible. I love you Hormel...so much, I love your tamales in a can, your chilli is the best.. but this time it is back to the drawing board. PS they were kind of slimy. PPS no offense, but I wouldn't reccomend them to an enemy either.

son did not like this at all.

My daughter tried all of them( over 3 days) and wasted every one. I tasted them for myself and agree. They may have made a product that cooked quickly but if its not good enough to eat, whats the point? I am VERY happy they were free- I would be very angry if I had payed for them.I left my coupons on the product shelf at the grocery store- buy at your own risk.I gave it one star for the easy cooking-

My daughter didnt like this one because she says they were bad, the flavor was not there at all i tried them as well and it was lacking it seemed a great idea but i also had a hard time getting these opened.

I have five kids that range from 3 thur 12. I gave this two my twin 3yr olds and they both would not eat it after the first bite.