Dr. Brown's Baby Bottles

Dr. Brown's Baby Bottles

              Rated #20 in Feeding
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84 Reviews 4.4/5 stars
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These bottles are amazing! They helped in solving my son's gas problem and their the first ones that he tried holding. A little difficult to clean but well worth it.

I highly recommend these bottles!! When my baby switched to bottle there were little to no problems. The design helps to eliminate air and reduces reflux which is so very important. I don't find them hard to clean but they do require an extra step.

I am currently using these with my daughter. They work so well and she is not as fussy now. There is more pieces to put together than regular bottles but I don't mind the extra seconds it takes. Happy baby makes for a happy mommy.

DH took to these ones and they were great!! No gas problems, no leaking. (We preferred the wideneck ones for grasping purposes only) The only thing is that the collars are hard to clean after a while.., so we just replaced.

My twin baby boys (preemies) tried several different bottles and these were the ONLY ones they were able to really drink out of at a super-young age. They weren't too messy and still wash up great (thanks to the glass!). Can't say enough good about these bottles. Only negative is that the bottles are heavy and hard for the babies to hold.

Loved loved loved Dr. Browns bottles! After trying every bottle on the market I finally broke down and spent the extra money on these and we loved them!

I have 4 kids all ages 5 and under. I used Dr. Browns for all of them. They don't leak! Once the became BPA free and glass, I was able to trade in my old ones for the new and improved. The pacifiers and sippy cups are great as well.

We tried quite a few bottles with my twins. They were born premature and therefore their mouths were really small and their facial muscles were not strong. Dr. Browns was the only bottle that suited them. I'll never forget the first night we tried the Dr.Browns ... they were able to eat easily and efficiently without getting gassy or over exhausted from the work required. It was such a huge relief to see them full and happy. We only used Dr.Browns from then on out, and now that they are a year old we primarily use Dr. Browns sippy and straw cups.

I love these bottles, I used them 14 years ago with my oldest daughter and also used them with 9 year daughter when she was an infant. My babies never had colic or gassy. Great bottles and will purchase them again in the future.