EL James 50 Shades of Grey

EL James 50 Shades of Grey

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177 Reviews 3.6/5 stars
72% Recommended
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I absolutely loved this book I can't wait to finish the other two books. Once you start reading you never want to put the book down!

I absolutely loved this book I can't wait to finish the other two books. Once you start reading you never want to put the book down!

I absolutely loved this book I can't wait to finish the other two books. Once you start reading you never want to put the book down!

Of course I had to read this book and see what all the fuss was about. It absolutely lived up to the expectations! I would recommend to anyone who is open-minded or explorative. I would make sure you have a partner available before reading though;)

Of course I had to read this book and see what all the fuss was about. It absolutely lived up to the expectations! I would recommend to anyone who is open-minded or explorative. I would make sure you have a partner available before reading though;)

Of course I had to read this book and see what all the fuss was about. It absolutely lived up to the expectations! I would recommend to anyone who is open-minded or explorative. I would make sure you have a partner available before reading though;)

This book will never win any literary awards. Sometimes the grammar is poor and a word is misspelled. But if you want an erotic, passionate and toe curling novel that keeps you up reading until 3:00am, then this book is for you. Hot, hot, hot!

This book will never win any literary awards. Sometimes the grammar is poor and a word is misspelled. But if you want an erotic, passionate and toe curling novel that keeps you up reading until 3:00am, then this book is for you. Hot, hot, hot!

This book will never win any literary awards. Sometimes the grammar is poor and a word is misspelled. But if you want an erotic, passionate and toe curling novel that keeps you up reading until 3:00am, then this book is for you. Hot, hot, hot!

For some odd reason I really love this books. I think its weird and really kind of creepy but I CAN'T put it down. I have no idea why. It had an OK story line but I don't know there's just something about it that stuck with me.

For some odd reason I really love this books. I think its weird and really kind of creepy but I CAN'T put it down. I have no idea why. It had an OK story line but I don't know there's just something about it that stuck with me.

For some odd reason I really love this books. I think its weird and really kind of creepy but I CAN'T put it down. I have no idea why. It had an OK story line but I don't know there's just something about it that stuck with me.

I had to read this book after hearing people go on and on about it. at first it took me a while to get into it. However I did read the whole book and found myself captivated by it. Everyone has their own opinions when it comes to this type of book, and I do have to admit it was kind of like a twilight book for adults. But that doesn't change my opinion on it being a good read.

I had to read this book after hearing people go on and on about it. at first it took me a while to get into it. However I did read the whole book and found myself captivated by it. Everyone has their own opinions when it comes to this type of book, and I do have to admit it was kind of like a twilight book for adults. But that doesn't change my opinion on it being a good read.

I had to read this book after hearing people go on and on about it. at first it took me a while to get into it. However I did read the whole book and found myself captivated by it. Everyone has their own opinions when it comes to this type of book, and I do have to admit it was kind of like a twilight book for adults. But that doesn't change my opinion on it being a good read.

Oh. My. God. This book is insane - although insanely good or insanely bad, I honestly don't know. First of all, you have to be aware that this was spawned from Twilight fan fiction. That, in and of itself, has garnered some haters. The storyline isn't bad at all. It's the basic framework of most romance novels, with a dangerous love brewing between two individuals. However, EL James has made this story more... erm... "realistic" by making the topic about BDSM, instead of about vampires. Admittedly, Anastasia is a weak character, but that's a commonality with many novels of today. A lot of the lines are really cheesy; some are even cringe-worthy. Just... try to enjoy the book. This novel is extremely kinky. Yes, it really is. But every girl dreams of a Christian Grey, and oh my goodness, he fits the bill PERFECTLY. The only thing I would say: Beware. The topic is very adult, the writing is very simple, but the sex - it's intense. (And it starts on page 84 or something.) Shield your children's eyes! :) And enjoy..........

Oh. My. God. This book is insane - although insanely good or insanely bad, I honestly don't know. First of all, you have to be aware that this was spawned from Twilight fan fiction. That, in and of itself, has garnered some haters. The storyline isn't bad at all. It's the basic framework of most romance novels, with a dangerous love brewing between two individuals. However, EL James has made this story more... erm... "realistic" by making the topic about BDSM, instead of about vampires. Admittedly, Anastasia is a weak character, but that's a commonality with many novels of today. A lot of the lines are really cheesy; some are even cringe-worthy. Just... try to enjoy the book. This novel is extremely kinky. Yes, it really is. But every girl dreams of a Christian Grey, and oh my goodness, he fits the bill PERFECTLY. The only thing I would say: Beware. The topic is very adult, the writing is very simple, but the sex - it's intense. (And it starts on page 84 or something.) Shield your children's eyes! :) And enjoy..........

Oh. My. God. This book is insane - although insanely good or insanely bad, I honestly don't know. First of all, you have to be aware that this was spawned from Twilight fan fiction. That, in and of itself, has garnered some haters. The storyline isn't bad at all. It's the basic framework of most romance novels, with a dangerous love brewing between two individuals. However, EL James has made this story more... erm... "realistic" by making the topic about BDSM, instead of about vampires. Admittedly, Anastasia is a weak character, but that's a commonality with many novels of today. A lot of the lines are really cheesy; some are even cringe-worthy. Just... try to enjoy the book. This novel is extremely kinky. Yes, it really is. But every girl dreams of a Christian Grey, and oh my goodness, he fits the bill PERFECTLY. The only thing I would say: Beware. The topic is very adult, the writing is very simple, but the sex - it's intense. (And it starts on page 84 or something.) Shield your children's eyes! :) And enjoy..........

Thought it was okay - there are so many better stories, including Erotica, in the fan fic world based on the Twilight movie. I read them because once I start, I like to finish, but the writing was poor and as with Bella - Anastasia would drive me bonkers at time. But, I understand that for many this is the first time they have seen this and they really enjoyed it - just not me!

Thought it was okay - there are so many better stories, including Erotica, in the fan fic world based on the Twilight movie. I read them because once I start, I like to finish, but the writing was poor and as with Bella - Anastasia would drive me bonkers at time. But, I understand that for many this is the first time they have seen this and they really enjoyed it - just not me!

Thought it was okay - there are so many better stories, including Erotica, in the fan fic world based on the Twilight movie. I read them because once I start, I like to finish, but the writing was poor and as with Bella - Anastasia would drive me bonkers at time. But, I understand that for many this is the first time they have seen this and they really enjoyed it - just not me!

The story line it self was good, but after so long there is only so many times you can discuss sex with out it being repetitive. It had its ups and downs for me.

The story line it self was good, but after so long there is only so many times you can discuss sex with out it being repetitive. It had its ups and downs for me.

The story line it self was good, but after so long there is only so many times you can discuss sex with out it being repetitive. It had its ups and downs for me.

I love it but I also think it is a little too much. I would never let a man treat me the way he does. But I love the details and plot of this series. It's addicting and forces you to keep reading them and thinking about it.

I love it but I also think it is a little too much. I would never let a man treat me the way he does. But I love the details and plot of this series. It's addicting and forces you to keep reading them and thinking about it.

I love it but I also think it is a little too much. I would never let a man treat me the way he does. But I love the details and plot of this series. It's addicting and forces you to keep reading them and thinking about it.

This book was really just OK. I expected to be glued to the book but in all honesty i wasn't. I'm the kind of reader that if i dont like a book i'll i'll know it within the first 50 pages and will immediately move on to another book until i find one that i just can't put down. The story line was predictable. I knew he was gonna end up falling for her because she wasn't like all the other girls he was used to dating. It was literally a girl's (notice i didn't say woman) fantacy. Handsome rich man falls for you takes you on amazing dates, f**ks you like no other yadda yadda yadda. But that's just it, it's too over the top that it's incredibly unrealistic. This guy is the typical (and literal) scarred man she needs to "fix" and he's the irresistible girl he can't keep his hands off. All the while introducing her to a magnificent world of luxury and extravagance. Its so unlikely that this would ever happen that it's almost comical. Granted this is a book, and so it's supposed to transport us to a world where anything is possible, but i guess i expect a bit more realism if the story claims to be something realistic. If I want fantasy i'll read fantasy otherwise don't give me something so far fetched i wont want to read it. The writing was not up to par. With the amount of publicity this book got i expected it to be a bit...well better written. The number of times she says "Holy Shit" is, "too damn high!" (kudos if you get the reference!). I know this book is part of a trilogy, but up until now I've found myself at 95% (kindle user) for the last 3 months and have yet to get around to finishing the remaining 5% of the book. If that tells you anything it's that perhaps the book isn't as great as it's been made out to be. I did however give it average rating because on a lonely night it is possible i may find myself compelled to read something of this caliber.

This book was really just OK. I expected to be glued to the book but in all honesty i wasn't. I'm the kind of reader that if i dont like a book i'll i'll know it within the first 50 pages and will immediately move on to another book until i find one that i just can't put down. The story line was predictable. I knew he was gonna end up falling for her because she wasn't like all the other girls he was used to dating. It was literally a girl's (notice i didn't say woman) fantacy. Handsome rich man falls for you takes you on amazing dates, f**ks you like no other yadda yadda yadda. But that's just it, it's too over the top that it's incredibly unrealistic. This guy is the typical (and literal) scarred man she needs to "fix" and he's the irresistible girl he can't keep his hands off. All the while introducing her to a magnificent world of luxury and extravagance. Its so unlikely that this would ever happen that it's almost comical. Granted this is a book, and so it's supposed to transport us to a world where anything is possible, but i guess i expect a bit more realism if the story claims to be something realistic. If I want fantasy i'll read fantasy otherwise don't give me something so far fetched i wont want to read it. The writing was not up to par. With the amount of publicity this book got i expected it to be a bit...well better written. The number of times she says "Holy Shit" is, "too damn high!" (kudos if you get the reference!). I know this book is part of a trilogy, but up until now I've found myself at 95% (kindle user) for the last 3 months and have yet to get around to finishing the remaining 5% of the book. If that tells you anything it's that perhaps the book isn't as great as it's been made out to be. I did however give it average rating because on a lonely night it is possible i may find myself compelled to read something of this caliber.

This book was really just OK. I expected to be glued to the book but in all honesty i wasn't. I'm the kind of reader that if i dont like a book i'll i'll know it within the first 50 pages and will immediately move on to another book until i find one that i just can't put down. The story line was predictable. I knew he was gonna end up falling for her because she wasn't like all the other girls he was used to dating. It was literally a girl's (notice i didn't say woman) fantacy. Handsome rich man falls for you takes you on amazing dates, f**ks you like no other yadda yadda yadda. But that's just it, it's too over the top that it's incredibly unrealistic. This guy is the typical (and literal) scarred man she needs to "fix" and he's the irresistible girl he can't keep his hands off. All the while introducing her to a magnificent world of luxury and extravagance. Its so unlikely that this would ever happen that it's almost comical. Granted this is a book, and so it's supposed to transport us to a world where anything is possible, but i guess i expect a bit more realism if the story claims to be something realistic. If I want fantasy i'll read fantasy otherwise don't give me something so far fetched i wont want to read it. The writing was not up to par. With the amount of publicity this book got i expected it to be a bit...well better written. The number of times she says "Holy Shit" is, "too damn high!" (kudos if you get the reference!). I know this book is part of a trilogy, but up until now I've found myself at 95% (kindle user) for the last 3 months and have yet to get around to finishing the remaining 5% of the book. If that tells you anything it's that perhaps the book isn't as great as it's been made out to be. I did however give it average rating because on a lonely night it is possible i may find myself compelled to read something of this caliber.

cant put it down. Read it in one day. Read the whole series in 4 days!

cant put it down. Read it in one day. Read the whole series in 4 days!

cant put it down. Read it in one day. Read the whole series in 4 days!

I absolutely loved this book. I think the entire story line was fantastic. Excited about the movie!!!

I absolutely loved this book. I think the entire story line was fantastic. Excited about the movie!!!

I absolutely loved this book. I think the entire story line was fantastic. Excited about the movie!!!

It is a good book if you need something to read, a little over rated though. It is kind of a good story the first time around, however, I tried to reread it, and I just can't get into it again.

It is a good book if you need something to read, a little over rated though. It is kind of a good story the first time around, however, I tried to reread it, and I just can't get into it again.

It is a good book if you need something to read, a little over rated though. It is kind of a good story the first time around, however, I tried to reread it, and I just can't get into it again.

I was super excited to read these books because everyone said they were good. I thought that they were ok. The story was lacking in my opinion(even though I did read all of the books) and I wasn't a fan of her writing style. I would reccommend this book if you don't have anything better to read. I definitely wouldn't buy it I would borrow it from someone.

I was super excited to read these books because everyone said they were good. I thought that they were ok. The story was lacking in my opinion(even though I did read all of the books) and I wasn't a fan of her writing style. I would reccommend this book if you don't have anything better to read. I definitely wouldn't buy it I would borrow it from someone.

I was super excited to read these books because everyone said they were good. I thought that they were ok. The story was lacking in my opinion(even though I did read all of the books) and I wasn't a fan of her writing style. I would reccommend this book if you don't have anything better to read. I definitely wouldn't buy it I would borrow it from someone.

I really feel that this series is really lacking. Thankfully I only borrowed the book from someone instead of purchasing it myself. I kept skipping paragraphs and pages HOPING that it would get better, but honestly, for me, the book was not worth the hype.

I really feel that this series is really lacking. Thankfully I only borrowed the book from someone instead of purchasing it myself. I kept skipping paragraphs and pages HOPING that it would get better, but honestly, for me, the book was not worth the hype.

I really feel that this series is really lacking. Thankfully I only borrowed the book from someone instead of purchasing it myself. I kept skipping paragraphs and pages HOPING that it would get better, but honestly, for me, the book was not worth the hype.