Love these. One little pod does so much. Removes stains and freshens close with it's signature tide scent. Love it. Very convenient if visit a laundry matt instead of hauling in the bottles just carry this tod pod jar/case in and you're good to go!
Just a caution with these- being in the medical field, we've been seeing more and more kids coming in with accidental ingestions, because they are so small and fun colors. Please, please be careful where you keep these- out of reach of children! (other than that, super useful product!)
Awesome! Leaves clothes smelling great and looking good
This is a good detergent, I just hate how sometimes the plastic doesn't dissolve. I found this out while washing a set of sheets (plastic was stuck on sheets). As far as scent goes, gain flings takes the cake on this one.
Best invention ever. I always used Tide, but, the liquid is easy to over or under use. Pods are simple to use, no mess, priced right.
I absolutely love the Tide Pods. I feel like I waste less detergent, just throw one in the washer and walk away. I do use two with my towels or heavy loads. The scents are nice.
they smell pretty well, but to get my laundry clean i have to use more than one pod.
1 pod does not clean a load of towels, 2 pods do not clean a load of towels, 3 pods, 4pods, no. It takes 5 pods for me to feel like my towels are semi clean, but I use 6 or 7 to feel like my towels are Tide clean.
Easy to use and cleans great.
Could be a little cheaper in price, but good product to Use. Wasn't sure of these at first but I was won over by their effectiveness
This is great easy to use if you go to a laundry mat it is a lot easier to carry just put what you need in plastic bag. It also cleans great. Spots and all.
I love Tide Pods and that is all I use now. The best part of all is that I can get my husband to help do laundry because he doesn't have to ask me how much soap to put in. I love the way it smells and it's the only brand I trust!!!
Simple and cleans very well.
I like the fragrance of pods, but I seem to always need more than just one pod per wash.
This is a wonderful product, I just drop it in the load and continue my day. The burst of freshness in thing is unbelievable.