Boudreaux's  Butt Paste

Boudreaux's Butt Paste

              Rated #4 in Diapers & Diapering
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195 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
94% Recommended
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I received a sample of this cream when I had my son. I used to use another cream but found that I wasn't using it as often as the butt paste. It is very effective and creamy. My only issue was that it didn't come off as easily when I would wipe him off but in retrospect, I'd hate to have a cream that came off as soon as it got wet.

Great for diaper rash. I use it constantly with my one year old. It takes care of the rash with in a day or two. It rubs on easily and its not too oily. I think out of all the brands of diaper creams i have used this one smells the best. I spilled some on my carpet once but it came right out and didn't stain it which is important when you working with a squirming kid!

I have always just this butt rash with all three of my kids and sometimes i will even mix it up with a couple others within not even several hours after I have applied them, the rash is completely gone. Great product

Can be messy

Has a very clean smell to it, and easy to apply. When my grandmother had a bad rash we used this to apply to the effected area and it really helped! The rash reduced in size and now we continue to use this to prevent any other rashes or sores from forming.

I love the Boudreaux's butt paste product! I actually prefer to use this over Destin and have even used it on myself. I love the consistency of this product, its thick so a little will go a long way! I have put this cream on my daughters diaper rash and 2 hours later I have noticed a difference for the better. It works quickly, its not expensive and you can usually find coupons available for this product.

Love this product - does great work on a bad rash...but was not prepared for how it would stain my cloth diapers! love it though.

Good stuff. Nice scent too.

This product has a strong, distinct diaper cream scent to it, but it is smooth to apply onto the skin and seems to work well. My only qualm is that there is a warning on the label that the product could cause discoloration on fabrics. That makes me wary about where I change my baby's diapers and try to avoid getting any on baby's clothes (which gets to be challenging when baby is very active with her kicks).

J li am in love with this brand of butt paste with one application the rash is gone. I like how it goes on so well to me its a great item and the price for it is ever great love it!

THE VERY BEST as far as I'm concerned. Other than prescription strength creams, this is by far the most effective brand of diaper cream! Destin seams to be very irritating to my child as well as several other brands. I have used this from day one with awesome results!

This is the ONLY diaper rash cream that gets rid of the rash within hours! I have used desitin, a prescription brand, and some organic brands but nothing comes close to what this one can do! I won't use anything else!!!

This is the best baby rash product on the market hands down! I went through two babies that had severe rash issues and sensitive skin issues. Tried countless brands and products but the only thing that worked was Boudreauxs! It doesn't matter if you use the Original, Natural or Maximum Strength all Baudreauxs products work. I can literally see the "Ahhhh" response when applied. Thick and creamy, stays where you put it and is not easily rubbed off from normal diaper shifting. I recommend it to all new moms.

Good for when the little ones bums are a little red. It helps soothe them and not be so irritated down there.

Great ointment! I love this stuff. After slathering it on the rash visibly clears by the next diaper change. Usually the next day it is completely gone. Others around the house use it too. It works on any heat rash.