Gerber Graduates Yogurt Melts Snacks

Gerber Graduates Yogurt Melts Snacks

              Rated #7 in Food
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209 Reviews 4.4/5 stars
88% Recommended
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Both my kids love yogurt melts!! (To be honest, I love them too!!) Try to get the organic ones though! These are great for little ones learning to chew. They melt fast so no choking!

My son loves these. I sometimes make my own version in the freezer, but these are great to have on hand and in the diaper bag when I'm on the go and I don't have time to make my own. Plus, it's a great finger food alternative to all the carbs that usually sit in the baby food aisle.

At one point my son would eat a bag of these a day if I would let him. He absolutely loves them (and I think they are pretty yummy, too)! Even though they can be a bit messy, they are great to have on hand when you are out and about. The only downfall is that there are not many in each bag.

A good healthy snack for my little one. He couldn't get enough.

They taste a little like cardboard, but the kids love them!

One of my kids favorite snacks. They love these little bites. As an adult, I've tried them, and they aren't to bad. The reason I'm giving them a 4/5 stars is because they are a pain when they stick to my babies clothes.

My toddler loves these! My seven year old liked them too! Will be using them for my youngest too.

Both my kids love these!! And there healthy!!!

I have a snack tower I keep with me at all times, one tower has Gerber Puffs and another tower have Gerber Yogurt Melts. My trying to be independent 2 year daughter love the taste and easibility of picking these snacks up.

My son loved these for a snack. The texture of them is a little strange but that didn't seem to bother him at all. There is no mess involved!

Kids loved them. Never worried about them choking on them because they melted in their mouth very quickly.

Great product for the busy mom. Quick and easy and kids love these products.

My child liked them when he first started to eat things. Once he realized there was "better" food, he didn't seem to like them as much. But the bites are great for beginners.

My son loves to eat these every flavor is his favorite, personally I did not enjoy them but I guess they were not meant for adults. Overall a great snack for kids.

My daughter loved these and she liked ever single flavor. I took these everywhere with me.