AMC Mad Men

AMC Mad Men

              Rated #62 in Television Shows
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129 Reviews 4.3/5 stars
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I watched all four seasons on Netflix and am now anxiously awaiting the start of season 5. I don't know if this or Brreaking Bad is the best show on television for me, but it is awfully close. Don Draper is the epitome of the worst possible man you CANNOT resist.

I just managed to watch the first 2 seasons,but i think it's an awesome show and it just makes me wishing i would have lived in that period of time...

Holy crap! This is my new favorite show. I have no idea how I went so long without watching, but I've been catching up on Netflix stream. I'm into season four and I cannot wait until March 25 for season five! They just don't make men like Don Draper anymore.

I love everything about this series!! I am NEVER a lemming and have a hard time "getting on the bandwagon" but thanks to my 3 good friends, they got me into it at the beginning of the 3rd season and now my husband and I are HOOKED. I adore Jon Hamm's portrayal of inwardly-tortured Don Draper; respect the beauty, grace and talent of all the women in the cast; laugh hysterically at everything John Slattery says... Only 25 days until Season 5!!!

I love this show! I work in marketing and have agency exposure all the time.. I can tell you it is nothing like the old days besides the big egos'. John Hamm is so good it is a crime! Fashionista's will love the clothes, older viewers will be nostalgic for the old products and ads they include. It is the whole package.

I do not get cable so i have to wait to see this but it is soooo worth it!

I LOVE this show! I remember the 60's fondly so this is so nostalgic. It's hilarious to see smoking on airplanes and decanters in every office. The secretarial pool and the executives with their "girls" When the sole object of becoming a secretary was to marry an executive. It's a good lesson for the grand children to see how far we've come (or not as the case may be) I love the fashions, colors, interior design and of course the dashing Don Draper. As a matter of fact John Hamm is the best reason of all to watch this show!

Honestly think this is the best season of Mad Men yet. I think its funnier than past seasons while still being dramatic, poignant and brutally honest with its characters. The best show on television this year hands down.

It would be hard to pinpoint the best part of this show. The attention to detail is superb: Everything on set is taken from the era represented. The cinematography is second to none; the directors can make the viewer feel any emotion with the right camera angle or lighting. The storyline twists and turns like a polyester slip! Recommended!

LOVE it! There is something dark and tension filled that keeps drawing you back for more. So good, if you haven't already started watching it, buy/rent/borrow the first seasons and you won't be disappointed.

Love this show, been watching from the first episode and got three of my friends in advertising addicted to it after I heard they weren't watching and bought them the first season on DVD for Christmas. Some people complain about how it portrays women but it depicts the era appropriately.

Mad Men is one of the best shows on TV--or at least it was until this season which wasn't so great. I watched most of the first few seasons on DVD because I missed them on TV and almost didn't continue because of the way women were depicted and treated, but then I realized THIS IS HOW IT WAS back then and look how far we've come. The show is brilliantly written, directed and acted. Love it.

Hands down one of the most brilliant dramatic series of all time. Don Draper is the man we love to hate and hate to love. The current season was a bit of a let down, but I still love it.

I love this show. I was so frustrated with having to wait for the current season but it was worth it. One of my favorites . I'll definately watch the next season.

This is the best show on television. Until the season ended, I cleared by schedule for Sunday nights so I could make sure I could watch it. Don got a little boring in the beginning but I loved the last episode. It was definitely a cliffhanger. The show accurately portrays the world of advertising in the 1960s -- a little sad for women, don't you think? Love the storylines, the acting. It caters to the intellectual.