Dr. Brown's Baby Bottles

Dr. Brown's Baby Bottles

              Rated #20 in Feeding
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If anyone has had a baby with colic, they will understand that a little extra effort for cleaning bottles is nothing compared to listen to your child cry for hours daily and you are helpless to stop the pain. Walking the floor, rocking, soothing and your heart breaking for your child. What is one minute longer to clean a bottle? Nothing. Put them in the dishwasher or if you hand wash, just run water in the bottle, turn the nipple still in the collar upside down, and insert the nipple in the bottle and finish filling with water. Now all the parts stay wet until you clean them, so there is no dried milk. Yes, they do cost a little more that just plain bottles, but they are not as expensive as some of the "name brand" bottles that really do not help with gas, spitting up or keeping nutrients in the milk longer. Do not complain about cleaning, isn't your child worth it? If you ever walked the floor with a crying baby for just 30 minutes one day...Would be about all it would take for you to appreciate what these bottles can do for your baby.

I started using Dr brown bottles when my daughter was 2 weeks old and she has not had any problems with gassiness or belly aches at all.I absolutley recommend using Dr Brown bottles if ur baby has any kind of digestive problems

I started using Dr brown bottles when my daughter was 2 weeks old and she has not had any problems with gassiness or belly aches at all.I absolutley recommend using Dr Brown bottles if ur baby has any kind of digestive problems

I love these bottles I have used them from the day my now 6 month old came home from the hospital . And will continue to be the ones I use for him.i have had no problems with gas or and he does not even spit up at all .The only thing I don't like is so many parts ....

I love this bottle because it helps preserve vitamins C, A, & E by minimizing oxidation of breastmilk and formula provides positive-pressure vacuum-free feeding similar to breastfeeding; and helps reduce colic, spit-up, burping and gas by eliminating negative pressure and air bubbles.

I have two children and I only use the Dr. Brown bottles, its helps with gassy babies.

I started using Dr brown bottles when my daughter was 2 weeks old and she has not had any problems with gassiness or belly aches at all.I absolutley recommend using Dr Brown bottles if ur baby has any kind of digestive problems

These bottles are great for premies... since they have a premie nipple size. The positive pressure system is much easier for them since often times their suck/swallow reflex isn't fully developed. My baby still has gas, but I would think it would be much worse with other bottles. The main disadvantage is that there are more parts to clean... but it is worth it in the long run.

I used them on my son and I never had problems with gas or air on his tummy.I loved them.

I have used these and ONLY these DR Browns Bottles for both of my sons ( now 4 yrs old and one is 4 months old) I can honostly reccomend every parent to use these bottles for their baby especially if your child has belly problems and The ventilation system is wonderful for those who are colicky! one small Con is the Cleaning process but it is so much more worth baby being happy with these botles than others that bring alot of air into the mouth of babies!!!!

I have these and they work great. They are a little pricey but that is okay because they work. I also like these because the nipples do not collapse on them. Good bottles all around but you will have to clean five separate pieces.

The ONLY bottles for us! We had "standard bottles" when my now 8 year old was born. She had ear infection after ear infection. We discovered these bottles and amazingly no more ear infections. The starw inside equalizes the pressure. It is the ONLY bottle we have used for our twins and only one ear inefction of the both of them and they are now 2. Now if I could figure out how to get them from liking them so much! They can be a bit of a pain, but if you rinse them out within 12 hours of use the straws don't get too clogged! We put the straws in the utensil holder in the bottom of the washer (and turn off the heated dry cycle) and the rest just goes into bottle baskets. Sure it takes a few backets to hold all the pieces, but still worth it! We thought about the playtex but you have to keep buying inserts and that just seemsed like a pain, especially with twins! We would have had to buy a TON of these!

Now that I've tried these I would never use anything else. Solves the problem before there is one. If your baby has colic, acid reflux or anything tummy related I would give these a try. We first switched her formula and she was much better but still was concerning me that she was uncomfortable then with the addition of Dr. Brown's bottles she's been good to go and hasn't had an issue since. Couldn't think of a negative thing to say about them.

I loved these bottles for my granddaughter.She had reflux so bad that these bottles were literally a life saver . They do have alot of parts to clean but it is worth the time.

I love these bottles. Best ones I have used, and I have tried several different kinds.