Instant Pot Pressure Cooker

Instant Pot Pressure Cooker

              Rated #3 in Kitchen Appliances
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117 Reviews 4.8/5 stars
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Just got my insta pot a couple of years ago. It's great when you want a meal in a hurry! Saved many dinner disasters!!

Don't be intimidated! So many people see all the buttons and become intimidated. Please don't! Watch a few good Pressure Luck Cooking or Jacky+Amy YouTube videos. If nothing else, the Instant Pot is worth its price tag for consistently perfect rice and hard-cooked eggs. Each time you succeed with something, you will gain more confidence to use it for something else. It is easy to use and clean, and it saves so much hands-on cooking time.

insta pot Works great! I've made tamales in it. Also great for multitasking.

We use this pot a lot in our family, my in laws use it to cook soup, braise pork ribs, beef shank, etc., this is the basic kitchen appliance in our house. Very functional and easy to use.

perfect use for every night our family uses the instant-pot every night, I have made some beef tip ribs in about 40 minutes the meat fell off the bones. I make rice and many steam-able stir fry meals for my family of five. I love it. I used to have to cook food all day in a slow cooker and now I can can just come home from work and put a healthy dinner on the table in less then a hour.

Like hiring an assistant Couldn't live without it. Prep meats for the grill in minutes - chicken from frozen, ribs tender and falling off the bone, ready to throw on the flames with some sauce. Makes the BEST sweet corn on the cob every. Potatoes. Casseroles. Need I go on.... It cuts down on cook time so significantly that you'll think you hired help. Busy, lazy, tired, whatever. You need it.

I love this! The Insta Pot makes cooking easy. I love being able to make chicken and other things quicker than normal. It works great and has all kinds of different settings. It is great for someone that is on the go or doesn't have a lot of time to cook dinner but it also is good for someone that loves to make quality meals. I would recommend this to anyone.

Would you believe CAKE. Yes you can too. Oh wow what an exciting surprise at what this thing can do in such a short time. Corn on the cob, shrimp, chicken& dumplings, flavored rices, spaghetti. Cake who would think cake. But yes I'm happy CAKE. So many nice siprises

BUY THIS NOW! BUY THIS NOW!! You won't be disappointed, I've made everything from jerked chicken to cheesecake in the Instant pot! Theres honestly nothing you can't make in this, I promise you its easy to use and so much easier to clean.

GAME CHANGING This is a GAME CHANGER! I am the worlds worst at waiting too late to put something in the crockpot. With the instant pot you literally need just a fraction of the time to get things done for dinner. It is simple and easy to use and I would have multiple if I had the room for them.

Use it every day This product makes cooking easy. I use mine daily if not for main dish or side.

Must have item! I purchased this item for myself and it has become a staple in my kitchen. There are so many different cooking options and it by far surpasses the old fashioned crock pot of the past. For the busy mom you can go from frozen to a ready meal in minimal time and effort. For the more experienced cook you have so many options to set it and go to focus on other items. From one dish to a whole meal, this is a must have for the modern kitchen!

Get dinner done quickly! I love my Instant Pot! It's great to get dinner on the table quickly for my family. You can make everything from boiled eggs to a roast for dinner or even ribs too! The Instant Pot is one of my favorite household kitchen appliances!

Best tool for the kitchen! This is amazing!! You can cook quickly or slowly depending on your needs. Can throw frozen chicken and be done so easily.

Wonderful, easy to use, multiple options If you cook a lot of meals for your family, are looking to make it easier on yourself, and want to have a pot that cooks multiple ways, then go buy this. We don't need a separate rice cooker, pressure cooker, or slow cooker. All in one. We use the slow cooker option the most but it's excellent to use the pressure cooker option for things to cook quickly, especially beans!