Purex Complete 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets

Purex Complete 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets

              Rated #72 in Laundry
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127 Reviews 3.6/5 stars
63% Recommended
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Too bad this product has been discontinued. It was one of the best products ever made and in the right price range. Never had to worry about fabric softener and never had static cling on my dried clothes. I can not say the same for any of the other dryer sheets tried. Why did they take this product away?

These are the world's easiest laundry items. Throw it in once and done! Gets your clothes clean, smells great and no static! They are a little expensive though.

Purex Complete 3 in 1 Laundry sheets are a perfect fit with my lifestyle. So easy to use and ready to go. Great price point. Already pre-measured and ready to use. just drop in your wash and let it do the work for you, then you put in your dryer after wash and let it finish out it's job!

Purex Complete 3 in 1 Laundry Sheets are worth every cent. Give it a try.

I purchased these for a trip to Disney World. With airlines charging so much for luggage I had to find a way to keep the amount of clothes packed to a minimum. On the days we stayed and swam at the resort in the afternoon I used these to do laundry. They were great. The clothes came out clean and smelled wonderful. Best of all they take up little space in the suitcase and no not spill and make a mess.

I love that this product is efficient. Great sign of the times. More companies should be doing this.

This is especially great for those who travel and are staying somewhere where there is a washer/dryer available. GREAT for moms on the go!

I agree - this product works well... in the washer. I still get static too, so I continue to throw a dryer sheet in with it. It's $6.99 here in SC, so I search the coupon sites and newspapers for coupons.

Find it doing an ok job? Compared it to Tide? Tide kicked it?

bought this on a whim after seeing the commercial on tv. at the store i purchased it at it was more expensive than what I usually use, but i figured i'd try it anyway. I don't think i'd use it on my clothes again because it didn't work that well, but its great for throw blankets and other stuff that doesn't have to get that close to my body. the other down side is that it only comes in two semi-harsh scents.

I love these! Its so convienient not to have to measure anything, and to just swap out the laundry without adding a dryer sheet. These are especially nice for college students/apartment dwellers, since there is no liquid to carry around and worry about the spills. Great time and money saver!!!

These are great & convenient & work great. I also bought them for my daughter who is away at college. I love the "Pure & Clean" scent, smells so good & is hypoallergenic.

I got my free sample and I thought they were great, conveinent to use they smelled great and they help cut down on waste.

I received a free sample of these and my favorite thing is how easy it is to use, just throw it in the washer and transfer with the clothes into the dryer. I don't think the scent was strong enough, but it did have a good scent. I also didn't notice any stains on my clothing like others have. I don't think, though, that I would buy these for everyday use as they are rather expensive.

I like them. I got samples in the mail then bought 2 boxes since they were on sale for $2 each. They are convenient for travel but still prefer liquid detergent since now and then I need to do a small load and don't want to use a whole sheet.