Fisher Price Learning Home

Fisher Price Learning Home

              Rated #6 in Toys
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63 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
96% Recommended
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I have never tried this product before, but according to the reviews it seems like a huge hit.

I had a toy similar to this when my kids were 2-3, they loved it. Loved the mailbox and going through the door and looking at each other through the window.

Love this item! Everything about it is great. I bought it secondhand and I am not sure if it was supposed to come with the shapes to fit through the door but that would be a great addition if it didnt come with it.

My son had this and loved it for years! I bought it for his 1st birthday! He loved all the sounds and going in and out the cute door. It was worth every penny.

My one year old daughter just got this as a gift for her birthday and she absolutely loves it. She plays with it for hours and seems to find a new option to it every time. Its definitely a toy that i would recommend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We got one of these as a hand me down and we have gotten so much use out of it. My kids have had such much fun with it.

My son loved this! He loved going in and out of the door and all the sounds it makes when pushing buttons and opening and closing things. Highly recommend.

Had this for my 7 year old, he loved it so much, I just bought another one for my granddaughter.

My daughter loved playing with this at a friends house. I think it is a toy that toddlers, 2s and up would play with.

my niece has it and loves it!!

My son LOVES this toy. We don't have it at home, but the daycare he went to from 3 months to 13 months had it. We went there to visit and it was the first place he ran to. I think he missed it!!

The daycare my son attends has one of these. The kids are so crazy about it, that sometimes it has to be put away because all 8 of the kids want to try to go through the door at once! Great toy!

I purchased one of these for my daughter when she was just starting to crawl....NOW FAST FORWARD SEVEN YEARS...and it still is as great as the day we bought it! It has been passed back and forth between my s-i-l and myself and if our four can't destroy it, no one can. Pair that great durability with the fun learning activities and I tell every new parent that this is the must have toy!

Both my 3yr old and 18m son play with this toy every day. One set of rechargeable batteries lasts months even with daily play. A great, great toy.

My son loved this toy! The doorbell rings and there is even mail for the mailbox