ChapStick Medicated Lip Balm

ChapStick Medicated Lip Balm

              Rated #8 in Other
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51 Reviews 4.5/5 stars
90% Recommended
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Chapstick is an old friend, have been using it for YEARS, I always have several laying around, so you dont have to search too far to find one. Non greasy/oily, always makes my lips feel good. If I have a chapped nose, I put some on my finger and apply to the nose

Chapstick is an old friend, have been using it for YEARS, I always have several laying around, so you dont have to search too far to find one. Non greasy/oily, always makes my lips feel good. If I have a chapped nose, I put some on my finger and apply to the nose

love this chapstick works great!

love this chapstick works great!

Works great! Leave my lips feeling nice and moist!

Works great! Leave my lips feeling nice and moist!

Love chapstick. Have one in purse, one in car and about 3 in make up shelf so yes i love this.

Love chapstick. Have one in purse, one in car and about 3 in make up shelf so yes i love this.

Love chapstick. Have one in purse, one in car and about 3 in make up shelf

Love chapstick. Have one in purse, one in car and about 3 in make up shelf

Instantly heals chapped and moisturizes dry lips. I love the whole chapstick collection and prefer using it over most other brands. I probably have about 6 total in the house, car, purse, everywhere!

Instantly heals chapped and moisturizes dry lips. I love the whole chapstick collection and prefer using it over most other brands. I probably have about 6 total in the house, car, purse, everywhere!

I stock up on this product whenever I find it because it works the best. My biggest complaint is that I can't always find it. I have my purse, in my car, in my pocket, on the table next to me...on the nightstand. There's nothing worse than dry, chapped lips.

I stock up on this product whenever I find it because it works the best. My biggest complaint is that I can't always find it. I have my purse, in my car, in my pocket, on the table next to me...on the nightstand. There's nothing worse than dry, chapped lips.

This isn't a product that is "pretty" or tastes good. This is a product that will heal your lips. Mine get severely dry in the winter and this is the only thing I've found that quickly heals them. It smells a bit like Vicks Vapor Rub but if you can get past that and the slight burn when you first put it on, you'll be happy and your lips will thank you!

This isn't a product that is "pretty" or tastes good. This is a product that will heal your lips. Mine get severely dry in the winter and this is the only thing I've found that quickly heals them. It smells a bit like Vicks Vapor Rub but if you can get past that and the slight burn when you first put it on, you'll be happy and your lips will thank you!

This product is still way to wax like and doesn't soften my lips but rather dries them out. Blistex strawberry is the only one I will buy and I use it all year long. It's the last thing I put on before falling asleep.

This product is still way to wax like and doesn't soften my lips but rather dries them out. Blistex strawberry is the only one I will buy and I use it all year long. It's the last thing I put on before falling asleep.

Chapstick is amazing and I absolutely love it! It doesn't leave that greasy film feeling that a lot of them do.

Chapstick is amazing and I absolutely love it! It doesn't leave that greasy film feeling that a lot of them do.

Love chap stick great--Recommend!

Love chap stick great--Recommend!

This is so dry, I'll stick with Avon's care deeply.

This is so dry, I'll stick with Avon's care deeply.

This is the only Chapstick that I use. It's an amazing product. It leaves lips soft and really helps chapped lips. Also stays on fairly long so you don't have to reapply everything 5 minutes.

This is the only Chapstick that I use. It's an amazing product. It leaves lips soft and really helps chapped lips. Also stays on fairly long so you don't have to reapply everything 5 minutes.

Lovely product ... i love the way it makes my lips soft and i have to have chapstick in my purse :)

Lovely product ... i love the way it makes my lips soft and i have to have chapstick in my purse :)

I just recently bought this chapstick because I left mine at home =). I have really really dry lips which tend to crack and basically turn white and crusty if I don't moisturize them. So basically on accident I purchased this product being I really needed a moisturizer. An I honestly feel in love with it! For me it not a lip balm, that has to be applied every few seconds because my lips become dry again. It's a really long lasting moisturizing treatment. The smell isn't too bad, its defiantly medicated because I can feel it working, it's like a tingling effect. But again remember I have really dry lips. I do like the product and will definitely buy it again!

I just recently bought this chapstick because I left mine at home =). I have really really dry lips which tend to crack and basically turn white and crusty if I don't moisturize them. So basically on accident I purchased this product being I really needed a moisturizer. An I honestly feel in love with it! For me it not a lip balm, that has to be applied every few seconds because my lips become dry again. It's a really long lasting moisturizing treatment. The smell isn't too bad, its defiantly medicated because I can feel it working, it's like a tingling effect. But again remember I have really dry lips. I do like the product and will definitely buy it again!