Dr. Brown's Baby Bottles

Dr. Brown's Baby Bottles

              Rated #20 in Feeding
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84 Reviews 4.4/5 stars
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These bottles are amazing! They helped in solving my son's gas problem and their the first ones that he tried holding. A little difficult to clean but well worth it.

I am a working mother of two who both nursed and bottle-fed through all of infancy. My girls did well with these bottles and had no problem switching between breast and bottle. There are alot of parts, however I think it is well worth it - the bottle seems to do a good job of helping them to swallow as little air as possible. All babies reflux - some are more bothered by it than others, and no bottle can cure that. But I do believe that these bottles will help to limit the air an infant takes in with a feeding and, thus, may improve these symptoms. I would recommend these bottles to anyone.

I loved these bottles. They were the only ones that my daughter would drink from and we tried quite a few brands. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone.

I started using Dr brown bottles when my daughter was 2 weeks old and she has not had any problems with gassiness or belly aches at all.I absolutley recommend using Dr Brown bottles if ur baby has any kind of digestive problems

Baby bottles I'd never used these before. Then my grand daughter was born premature. They used and sent home these bottles in preemie level. They seem to work well, she doesn't have an issue with to much air getting into her belly. She's good with the flow rate coming out of the nipple.

We tried all types of bottles and this was the best for my son. It was easier to handle than others.

Great bottles As a FTM and new mom ive tried several bottles. Dr. Browns are my favorite as well as my sons favorite.

Best bottles for colic When I had my twin boys the Dr Browns bottles were the only bottles that helped my poor kids with their colic symptoms. Literally saved our lives when our kids were first born until about 4mos. Colic is literally a living nightmare esp when you have two. These bottles did require removal of several parts to clean the bottles, which made it a bit of an inconvenience. However, the good it did for my family will preventing the colic symptoms, did more good than harm. Absolutely NECESSARY when you have colicky kids. I also purchases the Dr Brown electric sterilizer that I also love and still use to sterilize all of my bottles .

used this bottle with my first daughter and it was amazing i def recommend it...

I love these bottles I have used them from the day my now 6 month old came home from the hospital . And will continue to be the ones I use for him.i have had no problems with gas or and he does not even spit up at all .The only thing I don't like is so many parts ....

I love this bottle because it helps preserve vitamins C, A, & E by minimizing oxidation of breastmilk and formula provides positive-pressure vacuum-free feeding similar to breastfeeding; and helps reduce colic, spit-up, burping and gas by eliminating negative pressure and air bubbles.

I have two children and I only use the Dr. Brown bottles, its helps with gassy babies.

I used them on my son and I never had problems with gas or air on his tummy.I loved them.

I started using Dr brown bottles when my daughter was 2 weeks old and she has not had any problems with gassiness or belly aches at all.I absolutley recommend using Dr Brown bottles if ur baby has any kind of digestive problems

I started using Dr brown bottles when my daughter was 2 weeks old and she has not had any problems with gassiness or belly aches at all.I absolutley recommend using Dr Brown bottles if ur baby has any kind of digestive problems