EBOOST Orange Natural Energy Booster

EBOOST Orange Natural Energy Booster

              Rated #182 in Beverages
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38 Reviews 2.6/5 stars
28% Recommended
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I am not a fan of EBOOST's flavor. They leave a strange aftertaste for me.

This stuff foams up in the glass and left an unpleasant aftertaste. Not something I would purchase in the future.

Boy this product foams up! Smells and looks orangey. The taste- terrible. I had to plug my nose to get the stuff down. The aftertaste left in my mouth was not appreciated. I enjoyed the Emergen-C product way better than this one.

This only got two stars because it is a good Vitamin C supplement, I am not a fan of these fizzy things you add to water. If cravebox wanted to include some of the new flavors of Crystal Light I'd be all for it! But I prefer to take my vitamins in a chewy format or just swallow them with some water. Turning it into something you drink is just kinda gross.- On the plus side these never get wasted...My friend LOVES this stuff so I just hand them over to her.

I really wasn't thrilled with the taste of these. I had them in plain water and the taste was enough for me not to drink it. I think maybe they should suggest drinking it in orange juice.

The vitamins and minerals in one little packet is impressive and exactly what I am looking for. However, the flavor/taste was not to my liking so I would not purchase in the future.

It is okay but I am not sure how much it works

I thought the taste was horrible! I like that it has no sugar and fewer calories than the other brand, though. It did seem to give me the boost I needed as well. If they can improve on the taste, they'd have a great product.

I didnt care for the taste but I do like how many vitamins it has

I couldn't do it. My husband tried one and it looked like beer with a lot of foam! I think he tried hard to like it and did drink the whole thing, but didn't say much. He hasn't had another one either. I think I will stay away.

helps wake you up giving you that extra boost. I use it pre-workout. I don't really care for the effervescent qualities and the taste is not so good but it does smell great. I only tried the orange. I love that it doesn't contain any artificial sweeteners.

not a big fan of this product

The aftertaste was really harsh, but I liked that it was an energy booster rather than just a supplement. Having taken Emergen-C for quite some time, I wasn't prepared for the aftertaste. Plus, when I added the product to water, it took on a 'head-of-beer' appearance which I dont think helped the taste.

This stuff does what it promises. It tastes better than some of the similar energy mixes out there. I found that a full packet left me jittery. I like the dose of vitamin B12, vitamin C, and caffeine from green tea, but I prefer other methods for getting a little jolt of energy - like exercise and a glass of water. It makes me nervous to use this drink and take a multivitamin.

I am not a fan of the orange flavor. I have also heard that these vitamin drink packets don't pack as much punch as they claim. I prefer the gummy bear vitamins.