Sally Hansen Nail Effects- Real Nail Polish Strips

Sally Hansen Nail Effects- Real Nail Polish Strips

              Rated #84 in Nails
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113 Reviews 3.7/5 stars
76% Recommended
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I have tried these a few different times and didn't have good luck at all. I followed the directions to a "T" but yet still experienced peeling and lifting. For the price I'd rather just save my money and polish my nails myself.

I was excited to try these, because they looked so cute. I ended up being disappointed. I didn't think they were easy to apply or that they lasted very long. My biggest problem was with the removal. I had a terrible time getting them off. Although the design looked cool, I don't think I'll purchase these again.

I'm not a fan of these at all.... In any brand for that matter. I have a very hands on job so I can't have long nails, I thought these would work great but with my short nails they just puckered at the tip of the nail and didn't stay on, not too mention theyre not really user friendly.

There not easy to apply. I had difficulty applying then especially on the tip I my nail because it wouldn't stick and it came out all horrible.

ok product but would not buy again.

not my style. Plus too much work. I get too impatient to quickly for something like this! But for the young folks its probably great.

I've seen the girls in my office wear these nails and they look cool. But are they really worth the price? A professional manicure costs $12 before tip. Why should these nails be at the same price point?

My daughter and her friends love this product. They buy multiple packs and mix and match. I think they are a little spendy. It would be nice if you got more in the package so that it could be used more than once.

I like this product but they are expensive, around $10. To make them last longer, I put on a top coat every day. The designs seem to last a little longer than the solid colors. I'd only buy the designs as I can simply paint on a solid color if I want and they don't save much time between filing, measuring the sticker, placing it on perfectly, filing the sticker, and top coat. Bottom line: I'd buy the designs with a coupon.

They don't fit my wider nails very well, I have to do a lot of cutting and fiddling. They arent bad overall but too pricey and its so much easier to just paint your nails instead of choosing the solid colored ones. The patterns are nice and rather fun but the edges chip a little.

These are good but i would rather pay a few extra bucks and get a manicure its only about $3 or $4 more so much more enjoyable ( i thin) or i can buy regular nail polish and do it myself. over all good product just be prepared to pay doe thjem

These look great on & they do hold well, are reasonably priced, are available in many stores, and have colors & styles to suit. However, they are not as easy to apply as the directions make seem. I have small fingers, and the strips need cut considerably. The excess doesn't just tear away using the tools included. Also, nails have to be very dry first. Patience is a must!

purchased these for my 15 year old daughter. They did hold out much longer than I expected and they looked great once she got them on but it was somewhat cumbersome actually applying them. She wanted yellow...I personally didn't really care for the solidness of the color.

I bought this product for my 13 year old daughter. The product is somewhat expensive, however the product line offers a lot of design choices. As for quality; they didn't stay on her fingers as long as I would have liked. They were peeling off within the week. We reapplied them and this time we added a top coat to create a seal to keep them on. Because of the cost and difficulty with them staying on would prevent me from purchasing them again.

Not bad, but not great! Took me a while to get the hang of the application. No drying time is wonderful. They were tough to remove though!