Hyland's Homeopathic Teething Tablets

Hyland's Homeopathic Teething Tablets

              Rated #6 in Health & Safety
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63 Reviews 4.5/5 stars
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I used this when my son was little and teething and it was a great way to sooth teeth as they were coming in. I will get more for my next child.

Could not live without these with a teething baby..used on both of my kids and have always had great results.

We bought both the tablets and gel and I do have to say that we like the gel better, it was easier to put on his gums but the tablets are great too. Seems to help instantly and help him get a better nights sleep. Really like that it's all natural.

Love these and my teeth toddler also did to!! Its doesn't numb the whole mouth like baby orjel(?)

Love these! Worked so well for my son! And I LOVE that they are natural!!

The best product I have ever tried to help with my babies teething pain.

These are wonderful! We used something similar to these with my oldest daughter who is about to turn 9 in March and now we have been using this brand with our youngest daughter who is 8 months. Any time that she seems fussy I just give her a few of these and she seems to calm down. They are all natural so I don't have to worry about dyes or anything that would be unhealthy or hazardous to her health.

I have used this on all three of my children. It calms them especially at night. It soothe them enough to sleep. I combine this with baby oralgel

These are a GOD SEND! without these I don't think I would have ever been able to survive the teething times. I found that prevention was the most useful when using these tablets. Do not wait till your child starts to get uncomfortable/cranky or they will not be as effective. My daughter's teething bothered her the most at night so usually before dinner I would give her a dose, and then another dose right before bed along with a frozen teething ring. She actually enjoyed taking the tablets and never complained like she did/does with other medicines. Hyland's is a go to in my house. I also recommend their cold tablets as well!

This is singularly the best product ever created for babies! Teething is so hard on both babies and parents. This product is an overall mood soother. I found that combined with a pain medication this product kept my two babies calm and happy. I still use it on my toddlers on those temper tantrum days. I recommend to all new moms and gift it at all baby showers.

I wish there were extra stars!!! These were life savers for us when our daughter cut her teeth. These soothed her gums every time!!!

This item was really helpful when my daughter started teething, and I still use them on her and she is 2 (she is getting her back molars). I love that they dissolve right away and because its small and white she thinks its candy. There is no taste to these tablets which is another plus. I would definitely recommend these!

Must have teething product This product is awesome! This was the only thing that helped my son calm down while he was teething. I hear a lot of controversy on this product but I swear by this product. It is absolutely amazing!

These are awesome!!!! When my 7 year old was an infant, and he started teething, he was in a lot of pain all the time. We tried every teething gel possible. Then I happen to see these in my local drug store and decided to try them. We never had to buy teething gel, or give him any otc drugs at all. These were all he needed. Now, I do the same thing with my 8 month old. This is all we give him, because basically like his brother, this is all that works! I tell everyone I know with babies about this! I have even given this in a goodie basket for a baby shower gift.

When my 3 year old was cutting teeth NOTHING worked for her. She spent days crying, nothing would console her, teething gels did nothing but make her mad. On the advice of a friend I tried these teething tablets with little hope of them actually working but I was at my wits end and willing to try anything. Within one hour I had my daughter back. They relieved the pain, fever, and irritability. Since that day we ALWAYS have not only Hylands teething tablets in our medicine cabinet but many of their other homeopathic remedies.