Suave Professionals Sleek Shampoo and Conditioner

Suave Professionals Sleek Shampoo and Conditioner

              Rated #253 in Hair Care
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Quite Possibly The Best I've Ever Had Sitting here with my notebook resting comfortably in my lap,I find myself running my fingers through my hair. My incredibly SOFT hair. As it seems, I have a found a new favorite shampoo & conditioner. "What is it?", you ask ? Well,I'll tell you. It's Suave Professionals "Sleek", and it is "Quite Possibly The Best I've Ever Had". See,I have EXTREMELY dry and damaged hair. I have tortured my hair countless years with relaxers,hot combs,and curling irons,and I really never paid attention to the damage I was doing. Until the splitting of the ends,the breakage of the hair needed rehabilitation,and it needed it NOW! What did I do? I watched the commercials.I read the magazines.Looked at the pretty pictures of the beautiful ladies with shiny,flowing,healthy hair. And bought Pantene . This was about 2 years ago when I started using this brand.Didn't really work with my hair,but I refused to try another more expensive brand. Then came the Dove commercials.Lol. I get so swept up in the commercials that I convince myself that I have to have THAT BRAND.But Dove was different,right? I knew Dove.The brand has good skin soap.I tried it. Didn't like it. I felt defeated.And I was really beginning to start disliking my my hair did ever anything to me.In fact... I was the one who hurt it. When I began hearing the buzz about the Suave products, I was REALLY skeptic. "How in the world can a cheapo brand help repair and fix my hair ?", I wondered. Then I thought , "Why not try it? It's gotta be cheap at Walmart" . So, I went to Walmart and searched for Suave. There they were. A HUGE variety of "types" to choose from. My eyes immediately set to the BIG BOTTLE of Shea Butter and Almond. I don't know just did. SHEESH ! Then,I saw it. "Sleek... for dry and frizzy hair". Hmmmm ... maybe.I grabbed a bottle of shampoo and a bottle of conditioner,went to checkout,paid for the products,and then headed home. Once I returned home,I went straight to the shower to wash and condition my hair. During the washing/conditioning process.I felt a difference. My hair didn't feel stripped or coarse.It felt smooth and soft. But,hey... some shampoos do that right? It's AFTER the drying of the hair that counts.After my first wash and conditioning and DRYING of my hair, guess what? STILL SMOOTH and STILL SOFT ! I have been using Suave Professionals for about 2 months now,and I still am amazed at how soft and nice my hair continues to be.My hair has actually began to BE healthier and not just LOOK healthy.I'm happy that my hair is happy. Suave iSleek is a great product for anyone with damaged,dry,and frizzy hair,just like the bottle says.And doesn't break the bank to buy it! Can you say SCORE?! I know I sure do ! Go get a bottle and try it for yourself !