Ritz Crackers Original

Ritz Crackers Original

              Rated #7 in Snacks & Candy
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296 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
96% Recommended
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Oh my goodness, yum! I use these to make chicken parmesan and it turns out so buttery and delicious!

Not near as good as Town House crackers. Also crumbly and not great for dips.

My kids love these crackers but HATE that they must use High Fructose Corn Syrup in them. Yuck! So we won't buy them any more.

My four year old's favorite snack is cheese and crackers. This is the only type of cracker she will eat. The rest of my family loves them too.

A household favorite, goes with anything, great tool for cooking or just a great snack love them!!

These are so good. I love putting cheese on them and microwaving the cheese. I used to eat it like this for breakfast all the time. They are bogo at Publix every now and then so we buy plenty to last till the next sell.

There is nothing bad to say about this cracker! Even when theyve gone stale (kids are known for leaving the packages open - grrr) I chop them up in the food processor and use as breadcrumbs. Awesome for frying fish! Yummy out of the box, with cheese or peanut butter, or chopped up!

These are a classic. YUMMM

I've been eating these forever! They go great with everything. I always try new crackers, but I keep coming back to these!

I always have a box of these in the pantry. Great to use with dips, crush up to put in recipes, etc.

This a great little snack. you can add something on top, or just eat them plain.

Still can't beat the original. I have tried other brands of this type of cracker and they cannot hold a torch to the RITZ!

As Andy Griffith use to say "Nothing sits better on a Ritz"

I love Ritz crackers. You can put anything on them for instance you can make mini pizza.

Always a good choice :)