Boppy Nursing Pillow

Boppy Nursing Pillow

              Rated #2 in Feeding
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251 Reviews 4.6/5 stars
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I love my boppy! It helped so much the first couple months when I would feed my son. Now 6 months later we still use it for the other uses that it can be used for.

A lot of people love using the boppy for breastfeeding. I don't enjoy using it for that purpose however my husband enjoys bottlefeeding our newborn in one of these. It's also very helpful for tummy time and it has really strengthened our newborn's muscles. He is only 1 month old and has been lifting up his head real high and turning to the sound of our voices (thanks for allowing me to have a proud mommy moment). Our older children never had a boppy and we don't remember them being able to do the same thing so very early on. Of course, every child is different.

YES! One of the baby products I can't live without! I would highly suggest this product!

I love the Boppy pillow, and so does my son. It's very comfortable to him. I sit him in it when I breastfeed him or when we watch TV together. I love the cleaning instructions, and the tennis ball tip (they tell you to use a tennis ball to prevent shrinkage).

Boppy pillows are an invaluable addition to any nursing mommy's arsenal, but they're also really useful if you're bottle feeding as they help support better body mechanics and thereby prevent backaches, muscle fatigue and strain. They also come in handy when baby is a little older as a support for them to sit in. And, they're apparently a delightful toy for older brothers' fort-buildin exploits as well.

Love boppy pillows helped me with all my kids when i needed to rest my arm while feeding or to prop them up when it was tummy time or learning to sit up.

This was one of the best purchases for a new mom that I ever made. It was my best friend in nursing my son. It allowed me flexibility in holding him securely without straining my arms and hands or even my back. I loved it!

Need! Received one for my baby shower it's totally a life saver I didn't realize how heavy baby's are until I had one, I even use it to feed my baby her bottle or to prop her up in our bed

Must have! I use this nursing pillow daily. It has been a huge help when it comes to nursing. It supports baby and gives you the chance to rest your muscles.

A must have for nursing. I still use it and my son is almost 2. Very convenient and comfy too!

A must have for nursing. I still use it and my son is almost 2. Very convenient and comfy too!

Best thing ever As a mom who has breastfed our daughter from day one on to 14 months, I couldn't recommend the boppy pillow more highly. Initially I tried propping our daughter up with just pillows, but after using the boppy it was a no brainer and I took it everywhere we went. I ordered a travel boppy as well since we traveled often but always rathered the full size boppy. Love love love our boppy!

Love the Boppy pillow I love my Boppy nursing pillow. I've had two throughout my three kids; it is an absolute must have. Especially if you are a c section mommy like me. It makes breastfeeding so much easier! You can also use it as a way to prop up baby and use it as a seat, or just a way to hold baby. I love it. I'd highly recommend getting a couple covers.

Must have Must have for all moms. It's great for supporting your arm while you hold the baby but also a good support for them as they grow. This was the only way my daughter would do tummy time.

This is an amazing pillow if you're nursing your baby or not. It is soft for baby & you. You can change out the cover of the pillow & it comes in a cute plastic bag you can easily pack it up & carry around. It's affordable & can be found anywhere nursery items are sold.