Carmex Lip Balm

Carmex Lip Balm

              Rated #3 in Makeup - Lips
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263 Reviews 4.6/5 stars
95% Recommended
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My son cannot do w/o his Carmex! I love it because it keeps him moist and not chappy. He plays football and basketball so, it's cool that it stays in tack and he doesn't have that yucky sticky lip feeling.

I love to use carmex in my cuticles. I was my hands all day long and my fingers and nails get so dry. I rub carmex in my nail beds and hands at night and it keeps them from cracking and getting dry.

This is the best. It heals chapped lips quickly.

Definitely good product especially for harsh weather I always stock up in the winter.

This is the good stuff....for real! When I am experiencing severe chapped lips, this is what I use. Carmex, you work like a charm every time! You might not smell as nice as some other lip products, but you sure know how to ward off chapped lips. :-)

Now this product has been around forever and it still is going strong. We fight over the Carmex in my house- someone is always stealing. This is for sure a stocking stuffer in everyones at Christmas time. It makes your lips smooth. Also helps when you got a sore on your lip- which hasn't happened here in a long time.

Great product to keep on hand at home or throw in the makeup bag on the go. Makes lips feel really good and is great for chapped lips

Use this at night in a thick layer and you will have silky smooth lips by morning!! Dont like the scent, its a bit noxious for daytime.

This is a good lip product! When first using it my lips felt like they were peeling but the more I used it the softer and smoother my lips got.

I can go on and on about carmex. This is such a great product to have and you can visibly see the change that takes place. It heals and repairs lips to make them look better. It has a mint smell to it so when u put it on u it smells nice and minty and helps the lips so much. All girls need to have this product!!

This is a great Chapstick for winter months. My mother used it on my lips when I was a child and I use it on my children when they have chapped lips. In my opinion there is no better product for chapped dry cracked lips

This is a great Chapstick for winter months. My mother used it on my lips when I was a child and I use it on my children when they have chapped lips. In my opinion there is no better product for chapped dry cracked lips

I've been putting this chapstick on ever since I can remember, and before I was doing it myself my mother used it on her and myself. It's great for dry, cracked, and wind blown lips. I would recommend to anyone!

Great product, especially for colder weather. It keeps lips from being chapped and cracked. They stay hydrated all day long.

Nice lip balm but I wish it had a nicer smell.