Scrubbing Bubbles One-Step Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Scrubbing Bubbles One-Step Toilet Bowl Cleaner

              Rated #106 in Cleaning Supplies
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199 Reviews 3.4/5 stars
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This product worked OK at first, though really wasn't a one-step. It cleaned well. One thing I didn't like at all was the way it was so hard to control the spray feature. I got spray where I didn't intend to and had to clean that up additionally. After a couple of weeks I noticed a kind of a film developed at the water line. So intthe end I was less enchanted and probably wouldn't buy because of these extra bothers.

I have to say that I was underwhelmed by this product. It's bulky and expensive and it didn't do an adequate job. I found that I was constantly cleaning 'spit' off the seat because the product oversprayed. I wasn't overly pleased by the scent either... it really didn't say bathroom clean to me. I have to say that I prefer my regular cleaning method - having my husband scrub the toilets... he's better at it than the contraption and much cheaper too... The only place I would recommend this is for a frat house or elsewhere that might not see regular toilet cleanings...

Thanks for the opportunity to test this for free. I wasn't all too thrilled with this product. Although the concept was great, I didn't see the cleaning power I would have hoped for. It was easy to install but even with some adjustments(as possible) I got it spraying too high onto the seat so I would still be cleaning up. Had to do my weekly cleaning/scrubbing and didn't notice any difference. I found the scent too strong- kind of musty like a men's fragrance. The kids predictably played with it and stunk up the bathroom. Glad I had the chance to try but the whole unit looks a bit tacky next to the toilet, the scent is too strong and it sprays too high which has you wiping down the seat after each spray. Thanks but no thanks!

The spray was too high and got all over my floor. I tried to adjust it, but it broke so had to work it by hand. Sprayer got messy after a few "explosions"--yuck! I did enjoy testing the product, but it is not for my family. Thanks.

I wanted to really see if this product worked, so it's taken me a little longer to submit a review, but here it is. I would rate this product as fair at eliminating toilet bowl rings; I still had to use my brush to really get the toilet clean. It did, however, extend the time between cleanings. The sprayer didn't seem to reach as low as it needed to which may account for why I still got a ring. Also, there was no real foam, so that may have been a problem as well. I found the scent too strong; I prefer either unscented or a milder scent. The strong smell does not indicate that the toilet is clean! The product was easy to set up...a plus. The jury is still out as to whether I'll purchase this product once I run out.

While I love the idea of this product, in the end we did not keep using it. The little plastic piece that holds it onto the toilet bowl would get moved as the toilet was used and then the spray would end up going the wrong way. Just not a good end result of a good idea.

I like this product to the extent of making my bathroom smell nicer. I haven't had any luck with it actually cleaning like it says it will do. I do not recommend this product if you have pets or sometimes children. My son would always mess with it because he was just curious and he thought it was funny how it worked. I says pets mainly though because of the little hose on it. My cats thought it was a wonderful chew toy. If the hose was better and the cleaning solution was stronger I would give 5 stars but till then I can only give 2.

Ok but didnt work like I thought it would.

I usually like scrubbing bubbles products but I was not a fan of this one. It didn't seem to really clean the way I wanted it to so I might as well have just saved the money and cleaned it the old fashioned way.

This product helps keep your toilet cleaner for longer. The smell isn't bad but it isn't great. It makes it difficult to clean the toilet regularly because the sprayer sits in on the inside of the toilet under the seat so it is in the way. It also gets dirty itself and is hard to clean and it looks gross.

I used this a few times but was not really impressed with it. It's not bad but not the greatest out there either.

I normally love scrubbing bubbles however this particular product just didn't meet my expectations at all. I though it would be user friendly and in some ways it was but unless your toilet is spotless this will do nothing and I still had to put extra effort into scrubbing my sons toilet.

I prefer the gel bowl inserts

Seriously? Am I the only person who doesn't like this product? I don't know gals, but this thing is an EYESORE! Just like their other contraption that sprays your shower! But that's another review! Anyway, while it is super easy to set up, do I really want to look at this ugly pump in my cute bathroom? Are we all just too lazy of a society to lift the seat and spray twice a day? I'm really amazed how everyone fell in love with this gimmick. To each his own I suppose!

I do not recommend this product if you have small kids in the home. My kids were so curious about it they sprayed it all day! They also sprayed it with the toilet seat up and some of the product sprays out. It also is a weird contraption to have sitting outside your bowl. I guess you could hide it behind the bowl, but then you'd have to take it out to step on it and then where's the convenience in that? As far as the cleaning, I didn't see much of a difference and it didnt clean everythign that was left behind on the side of the bowl. However, the smell was nice and made the entire bathroom smell clean. I wouldn't recommend this as anything other than a glorified air freshener.