Philips  Wake-up Light

Philips Wake-up Light

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212 Reviews 4.4/5 stars
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I love this light. I've been able to wake up (and stay awake) so much easier since using it, and I find the light and bird chirping alarms so soothing. I also like that I can use the light as a lamp at other times with just the push of a button. No, it's not all that pretty and it does take a lot of room on my smallish nightstand, but I'm extremely happy with the results, so I'll gladly overlook those things.I'm not sure I would have bought it on my own because of the $99 pricetag, but I'm so thankful I got to try it.

After using this product for a few weeks, I will not be going back to an alarm clock. Waking up gradually makes me much more pleasant in the morning. Although the jarring alarm always did its job, there is nothing like waking up easily and not wanting to fight getting up and out of bed. Yes, you can still hit 'snooze' and I do! But with the light already shining I am much more likely to get out of bed when the music starts again or even before. Awesome product.

This is a great calm way to wake up! No more jolting, annoying alarm clocks for me! From now on I will be using my Philips Wake Up Light to start my day in peace. I love it!!!!

Loving it! I feel more refreshed when I wake by light. It's like I had a great sleep. My energy level has incresed.

I enjoy using this--from the various settings on the light which is great for waking up to and also as a bedside lamp, to the radio on which I listen to NPR in my room, the the alarm with the birds which is a lovely way to be greeted in the morning fresh from sleepyland.

I was so happy to get this cause I have a friend who suffers through low energy and light depression in the winter months and this couldn't have come at a better time. She was able to place it by her bedside and really feel a change. We live in Oregon and its dark most of the day in winter and she felt like she had some sun in her face with this which helps her mood. Thanks for letting us try this out, usually I keep what is sent to use for myself, but It was nice to have a friend benefit from it.

I gradually wake in a gentle, peaceful way with the Philips Wake Up Light. It would make anybody a morning person!!

I love this product !!! I also live in Oregon where the winters are grey and gloomy. I have been using this light for about 2 weeks now and have noticed a huge difference in my daily energy levels. I also like waking up to the gradual light, it is a nicer transition from sleep to wake than an obnoxious buzzer alarm clock. Also, I was having trouble staying asleep through the night waking several times a night. This problem has almost gone away all together. One other thing the light has seemed to help with is my depression level does not seem to be as big of a problem, the increased sleep and the light therapy is working great for this.

I am a hard sleeper, and I am NOT a morning person. I used to use a cell phone alarm with a ringtone set as my alarm. I also always had the volume set all the way up. Being a person who is not a morning person, being jolted awake by my alarm does not improve my mood or outlook on being awake early. I was so excited to get my Philips Wake Up Light, because I have always felt that sunlight helps me wake up in a better mood. Because I'm a hard sleeper, I set the light to the highest brightness setting and it always wakes me up on time. I also set it to play the radio instead of the birds or any other sound. I really like the bird sounds, but they sound too much like the birds outside and I don't realize it's my alarm. I find that it wakes me up very gently and I find myself feeling much more refreshed and in a much better mood than when I used any other alarm.

Before the Philips Wake-Up Light, my mornings would begin with the most annoying beep blaring from my alarm clock. I woke up startled and panicked. It would not be uncommon for me to trip or stub a toe while racing to turn off the clock. I hated mornings. I will admit, I was a bit skeptical about the Wake-Up light. The set up was simple and the design is really quite appealing. I was ready to test this gadget out! The next morning, I actually woke up about 10 minutes before the birds (the alarm) started chirping. I stayed in bed and waited for the alarm. It was a nice way to wake up. It was great not to start my morning out with a panic attack from my old alarm. The more I used the Wake-Up Light, the better I felt. Well rested and ready to start the day! I wanted to test the clock on my teenage son. He was not aware of the new product. I took it in his room and told him to try the new alarm clock. He does not wake up to a regular alarm clock and he does not like to wake up period. I didn't tell him much about the light. Just the basics on how it works. For the first time in 13 years, my son woke up on his own. He was pleasant and said he felt like he got a good night sleep. I suffered with my old alarm during the 4 day experiment with my son. Needless to say, the Wake-Up Light is back with me and my son is back to the grumpy teenager who refuses to get out of bed. He will be receiving a Wake-Up Light for Xmas! I love this product and have recommended it to many people. I can't believe I suffered through my alarm for as long as I did!!

Really like this! It is so much nicer to wake up to the light rather than a loud obnoxious buzzer. I have mine set to the chime but I am usually awake before the chime starts. I LOVE that the chime starts out quiet and gets louder.

Overall I have to say that I am really enjoying this clock... It has made waking up easier at a time of year that is very difficult for me to wake-up. I enjoy the light and feel that it makes me wake up easier and ready to start my day!

I just love this clock it has made my mornings soooo much better and the way this light makes me feel while waking up is priceless,I will never go back to the alarm wakeing me up,this has changed my life and I love it.

I must admit, I was skeptical that a small little white tubular light could wake me from my sound sleep. However, after using it for about a month now, I can honestly say that I've never woken up so refreshed before! I had to go on a small tour over the weekend and couldn't take my wake-up light with me. I had to use my cell phone's alarm which snapped me out of a sound sleep and made my heart leap. I realized then how much smoother I was waking up in the mornings! I love hearing the authentic sounds of birds chirping instead of an obnoxious ringtone or buzzer. It's so gentle you think, "there's NO way I can trust this" but I can honestly say, you TOTALLY CAN!! What a wonderful invention this little light is! The price isn't terrible either, especially the $10 discount for others...right at Christmas time too!

I really had my doubts about this product, but after using it for the past few weeks I can tell you that it does help with waking up more naturally and refreshed. I highly recommend this product to anyone who struggles to get out of bed in the morning. It helps with your mood throughout the day since you wake up to a more natural light. I plan on letting my daughter try it out while she is home on leave. Thanks for providing me with a great test product! This has been the best try tell I have had the pleasure of being a part of.