EL James 50 Shades of Grey

EL James 50 Shades of Grey

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I found that this book gave me just the kind of escape I needed. It was romantic, erotic, humorous, mature, and thought-provoking. In my humble opinion it was steamy without being sleazy. Have already downloaded the next two to my Nook!!

I love,love this book! It's very intense and so exciting.

I absolutely luv this triology!!! I read them in a week & a half. It was very engulfing. I have told my friends & family members about them. The books are not just about sex or sexual acts, they tell a captivating story.

I loved this book so much that I couldn't wait to read the next two. I loved how the story was told by a young inexperienced girl who grows sexually with her new partner. The chemestry between the two is amazing, I could almost feel her butterflies.

Loved the email exchanges between them. Good story line not just about the sex.

OMG!!! I freaking love this book! It is hot and steamy but that not the main focus of this book. Which is what most think. The main focus is looking pass Mr. Grey's 50 shades and seeing he is truly in love with Ana in his own way! Even if say you hate this book you are lying to yourself. Best book ever every girl wants her own Mr. Grey!!! I'm on part 3 and thirsty for a part 4!!!

I listened to this book and the next two in the trilogy in quick succession using Audible from Amazon! I loved it, although quite racy, I enjoyed the story.

Look, it's not a book on brain surgery. It's not going to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. If you are looking for an entertaining, erotic, romantic book, this is it.

EL James 50 Shades of Grey is the best set of books ever........since Twighlight!! lol I never thought I would enjoy either of these types of books. In fact, my sister gave them to me and I threw them in the closet and I thought they just weren't my type of book. Well, I kept hearing everyone talking about them so figured I would just glance through the first few pages and see what all the hype was. Well.............let me tell ya. I now know what the hype was about. I think it was so off the beaten path, that I just couldn't put it down as I was amazed at the things that were in this book. I will tell you, my husband said that week, boy, sex this week was the best ever. Little does he know that Christian had everything to do with it!! lol Loved it!!

I read this book it about two weeks. I couldn't put it down. Now I just want more of Christian Grey. EL James really knew what she was doing when she wrote this book.

I absolutely loved this book. I think the entire story line was fantastic. Excited about the movie!!!

cant put it down. Read it in one day. Read the whole series in 4 days!

I had to read this book after hearing people go on and on about it. at first it took me a while to get into it. However I did read the whole book and found myself captivated by it. Everyone has their own opinions when it comes to this type of book, and I do have to admit it was kind of like a twilight book for adults. But that doesn't change my opinion on it being a good read.

For some odd reason I really love this books. I think its weird and really kind of creepy but I CAN'T put it down. I have no idea why. It had an OK story line but I don't know there's just something about it that stuck with me.

Of course I had to read this book and see what all the fuss was about. It absolutely lived up to the expectations! I would recommend to anyone who is open-minded or explorative. I would make sure you have a partner available before reading though;)