Hormel Compleats Kids Beef Ravioli

Hormel Compleats Kids Beef Ravioli

              Rated #11 in Meat, Seafood, and Proteins
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1117 Reviews 3.4/5 stars
65% Recommended
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This was a winner for my son. He swallowed this up! :-)

Maybe my kids aren't picky eaters but they didn't have any complaints about this one. Even my 16 year old ate it!

It was a quick meal, but ma a mess with the toddler eating skills we have around here lol.

This was okay my son ate about half then said he thought it tasted sweet. I tried to finish and also thought the sauce was too sweet. It was very fast and easy to prepare.

My son didn't like this at all either. Not enough meat on the inside and it has a weird sweet taste to it. My son took one bite and wouldn't eat the rest. We even tried toe eat the rest and couldn't. We don't waste food in our home but couldn't even eat this ourselves.

My kids did not like this variety very much. They said that they would rather have the canned brand!

Our 4 yr old LOVED this meal, she had it for lunch, and for it again at dinner!

My kids love raviolis, so I was eager for them to try the Hormel Completes meal. I was a little disappointed in it, since my kids didn't even eat one whole meal between the 3 of them. It was okay tasting, but not something they raved about.

Both of my girls hated these. My 2 year old who will eat anything just flat out said "i dont like it" and my 4 year old asked if she could have something else because it didnt taste good at all. I will not be buying these ever. sorry wish i had a better review.


My kids didn't care for the taste of the sauce on this. They ate the ravioli ok, but didn't care for the rest of it. I don't think I'll be buying it for them. It is handy to just pop in the microwave, though.

To much pasta(ravoli) and not enough meat inside. It was ok but not sure if I would get it again

My kids didn't like this at all, wound up fixing pb&j for them instead...wish I could say otherwise

My daughter liked the ravioli but my son did not care for it. He says that it was too saucy. He is not a fan of tomato based sauces. Will consider buying in the future for my daughter for quick meals on the go when she has after school activities.

My daughter enjoyed the beef ravioli, thought the sauce was good as well as the raviolis. Finished the whole meal !!