Vanity Fair Magazine

Vanity Fair Magazine

              Rated #40 in Magazines
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12 Reviews 2.8/5 stars
44% Recommended
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Over the moon I love Vanity Fair I was psyched when I first heard about it extremely talented writers uncomparable to other ones like it great read this would make the perfect gift for anyone who loves reading I'd recommend this to all my loved ones we adore magazines especially this one

Great in-depth reporting and writing. Interesting and diverse subject matter. I look forward t o every issue.

I am not at a point in my life where this magazine has anything to offer me. I used to enjoy this a lot more when I was young and single.

Not my cup of tea. The clothes are outrageous and no normal woman would wear. Very expensive too!

Overpriced fashion magazine where people can't afford anything

sometimes too highbrow and stuffy

Not a big fan. Too political for me.

Mag used to be much better...maybe I just don't care as much now about the celeb news

Love it! Sort of a trashy tabloid for the intellectual. Celebrity news, fashion, etc. crossed with some outstanding journalism. Witty too.

I used to think a while lot more highly of Vanity Fair than I do now. As a former subscriber, I was irritated when they screwed up a simple change of address and didn't bother to replace any of the lost issues. Also, I'm sick of the boring political overtones and agendas that clearly fuel most of the articles and features in this magazine. My favorite article/feature would always be the one written by Dominick Dunne, but now that he has just passed away, what's the incentive to spend my precious time reading a magazine that seems so removed from reality and in love with itself.

its pretty good..

useless information. not practical and too expensive. should be taken off the market.