Yardley London Yardley English Lavender Soap

Yardley London Yardley English Lavender Soap

              Rated #56 in Soap & Bath Products
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22 Reviews 4.4/5 stars
90% Recommended
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Love this Lavender Soap from Yardley Yardley London English Lavender Soap has been a favorite of mine and my family for many many years even when I was a little girl my family loved this soap, it makes you feel clean and soft and the scent makes you feel like you are walking through Lavender field, I would continue to buy bar soap but I don't like soap scum and bar soap blocking the pipes in my home so I don't buy this soap too much anymore and liquid soap is expensive to buy for the family use but would recommend this soap to anyone who likes the scent of Lavender and a long lasting soap.

recommend it This soap is one of my favorite ones. It cleans the skin fast and the bubbles smell exactly like lavender. I tend to buy this soap in Amazon, it's less than $3

I just used the rest of my soap. I love the scent and the feel of it on my skin. It's a lightweight lather and the bar lasts longer than some. It doesn't "melt" like some others do.

Love itt I love this brand of soap, you can actually get it at the local dollar tree. It makes me feel refreshed and clean. Smells awesome too. I also like to donate these to local food shelves.

Smells amazing I usually don't like lavender, but this soap smells amazing

yardley lavender soap i tried the lavender yardley soap and it smells soo good and cleans soo well.

Yardley English Lavender Bath Soap Omg, I love Yardley English Lavender Bath Soaps, it is certainly in my bathroom, I love the natural smells, its has a soothing lavender scent. I highly recommend.

It Isn?t The Soap, It?s Me! I received a gift basket of bath products, which included a bar of Yardley English Lavender soap. I used the soap one morning in my bath, enjoying the lavender scent. A couple hours of hours later, I noticed a slight itching sensation all over my body, even in my ears. An hour later, the itching was getting worse, and the itching on my palms had increased so dramatically that I was crying. My husband drove me to a 24-hr urgent care clinic. When we arrived, my palms were red and my blood pressure (usually 110/70) had shot up alarmingly high (178/ ? - I do not remember the bottom number. There was no swelling, no rash, or red spots except for the palms of my hands. I received a steroid shot and a Zyrtec pill. Within 30 minutes the itching had subsided to where it was bearable, and my blood pressure had dropped to 148/86, lower than the first scary reading, although still higher than my normal. Another 30 minutes passed before the itching was completely gone, and my blood pressure was back to normal. The red on my palms was fading, but stayed around for another day. I have never had any skin allergies, and there was nothing that could have caused the allergic reaction I experienced except for the Yardley soap. I read some reviews that mentioned an itching sensation after using the Yardley soap; so, I wrote this review just to warn anyone who has an itching sensation after using the Yardley soap that if the itching begins to worsen, you may be having an allergic reaction and might want to get medical help right away. I know millions of people use the Yardley products and have no allergic reactions. I am just one of the unlucky people who has a reaction to an ingredient, or combination of ingredients, in the soap.

Yardley Soaps are Best! I love Yardley soaps and have been using them for years and this lavender bar has a light relaxing scent. The soap lathers nicely, rinses off easily without leaving a residue and leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth. Highly recommend...great results at a reasonable price.

great soap I received this free from PINCHme in order to provide my honest opinion. I hadn't ever heard of or seen Yardley soap before getting it to try. You can smell it before you even open the box, it smells so good. I first tried it by using it to wash my hands and I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly it lathered up and how soft it was, not to mention how great it smelled. It leaves your skin feeling soft and clean and I think it's one of the best bars of soap I have ever tried. It's free of parabens, chemicals and sodium lauryl sulfate and isn't tested on animals. They also work great at leaving small rooms and drawers smelling fresh and clean.

I actually use the yardley oatmeal bar, I've been using it for years and it's the only soap that doesn't dry out my skin and it actually smells amazing. Tried using a regular Dial bar soap instead one day and would never go back to it. I also successfully converted my boyfriend to yardley after one use for the same reasons: it's a great moisturizer and smells great.

For the price, this soap was fantastic! I smell great after I use it, and it's so cheap. I also really love the packaging, it's quaint and elegant, much like the soap itself! Unfortunately it's not a particularly moisturizing soap, but it at least suds up nicely and doesn't cost your arm.

Lightly fragranced and fresh This a gentle cleansing, lightly fragranced soap. I am sensitive to fragrance and avoid them mostly. However, if I want to treat myself to an old indulgence, I will allow a week of Yardley because it's truly made of good stuff. For most people that don't avoid fragrance, this is a good soap choice because the scent is natural and not overpowerful.

Love it so much!! I have been using this soap for years and years. It smells so pretty and makes your skin feel so soft and moisturized!

drying soap This soap smells nice and is inexpensive. It tends to be drying however and it makes my skin feel tight and itchy.