It removes perspiration, harmful salt or chlorine, and instantly soothes and rehydrates sun-burned or wind-chapped skin. It also rehydrates skin that is suffering from dry office air or overheating. It keeps your makeup looking fresh throughout the day & replenishes the much needed moisture!
I use this after a workout or sometimes just to refresh my makeup. It's so cool on a hot day as well.
Fill a spray bottle with any mineral water and you get this. By the way you can choose a travel size plastic spray bottle and you can have a mineral mist every time you want it, in the office, in a park...everywhere. I also recommend to add a drop of rosemary essential oil in this water for even more refreshing feeling. A drop of mint oil will serve the same purposes. Evian mineral spray is nothing more than a brand name and regular water, so why pay more?! They ask 10 dollars for 5 oz ? so one oz costs 2 dollars !!!? The most expensive mineral water costs less. Homemade spray has a shorter shelf life, but no nitrogen and in a compact form and you can afford to use it every time you feel like with no thinking of it's price.