Plackers Micro Mint Flosser

Plackers Micro Mint Flosser

              Rated #3 in Oral Care
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47 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
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Convenient and easy to use Theyre convenient enough to take them with you in your purse.. Theyre easy to use and work so much better than floss itself.

A must buy! Perfect for on the go! I keep them in my purse, my car, at work, and in the house! Easy to grab and go after eating or for every day flossing! Love the mint flavor it's not overpowering flavor which I really like.

Good to use if your traveling and have food stuck in your teeth, but regular floss cleans better.

Is there something in my teeth? My husband came home from his trip to Texas and told me that he had food stuck in his teeth and he needed a toothpick I told him how about one of those little flossing things you can reach back there with he agreed used it and was amazed it has a little toothpick thing at the end so no only was he flossing But you can also pick your teeth!

These Micro Mint Flossers are great for travel and my office drawer. While I prefer regular floss at night, these make it much easier to be discrete at work!

love Hands down one of the best product inventions since sliced bread! Easy to just toss in your purse and have with you when you need it. Good amount of strength. Work well. These are just awesome!

best dental minty floss ever works great like regular dental floss only you can hold it this time and have a fresh minty flavor and reach places you couldn't before with just regular dental floss. 5 stars from me and my kids.

Quality, and durable I love these handy floss picks! great value, and quality- as they are very durable. I have no problem reaching and flossing my back teeth either, the shape is wonderful. #SheSpeaksMadness

This floss is so easy to use and no string laying around. Awesome

Floss & Toss My family loves these. Floss & toss. You can even floss on the go!

Kids really love using these little flossers. Its easier for them to hold and get in between their teeth.

These are awesome. So easy to take around and get the job done!! Not only do I take these everywhere I go, but I also keep them in easy to get to places in my house. I never buy regular floss anymore. Easy to use on my daughter as well!

Great on the go, discrete, handy product! I like this better than floss! I am not bombarding my mouth with my hands and fists trying to get around my teeth. It's also quicker for those who hate to floss like me!

Having deep pockets in my gums, these are extremely effective and leave a refreshing minty taste in your mouth. i highly recommend them as a better alternative to floss.

Makes flossing so much easier. Love these. Sturdy yet flexible. Decent price for quantity. Great value