Great milk replacement I really liked this as a milk replacement. Definately better than any soy or almond milk that i have tried. Its not as thick as soy or almond milk rather close to skim milk. Great flavor.
This milk is absolutely delicious. It's easy on the stomach and goes down smooth. It's also perfect for adding to smoothies! I use coconut milk for cooking in numerous vegetarian dishes, as a perfect dairy alternative!
As a person that is lactose intolerant, i can say that this product is super good! I prefer it better than soy milk and almond milk.
Great to cook with. Delicious in Thai Green Curry and Coconut Flan!
I love the taste and texture of this milk. I buy the lowest calorie and therefore lowest sugar and use it for everything you would use regular milk for. I trade off with Silk almond milk.
Tasty alternative to cow?s milk This is a tasty alternative to milk if you are going lactose free.
I love soymilk and decided to try the newest product by Silk, the Pure Coconut Milk. I enjoy the taste, though it's not terribly coconutty, but it's a bit too sweet. I don't understand why companies feel like they need to entice us into using non-dairy products by pumping so much sugar in! I feel that it really edges out some of the healthy benefits and stacks on the calories... If someone were lactose and soy intolerant, this would be a great alternative. However, I hope they expand their offerings to an unsweetened coconut milk, just like they have with their regular soy milk. Another great thing about this product; it's often good for several weeks after the expiration. I have a carton in the fridge marked 5/12/11 and a month later, it's still perfectly fresh! You can't say that about cow's milk...
My go-to non-dairy milk right now. I drink the no sugar added version and compared to other coconut milks on the market, this has quite a short list of basic, pronounceable, clean ingredients. I wish it was a bit thicker because I like my milk a bit creamier, but it's great for recipes and in my coffee
I love coconut milk and when my favorite brand (So Delicious) is out of stock, I'll get Silk. For those of you who think Silk is too sweet, I highly recommend the So Delicious Unsweetened Coconut milk. It's awesome.
The consistency isnt quite right. However, i use this for baking quite often and it provides great, healthy flavor to cakes and muffins
I prefer the coconut milk, plain, for vegan cooking. It has a cleaner look and taste than soy for most of my recipes.
dint like it that much...the other reviews are right...a bit too sweet for me too....
A little to sweet for me but the regular is awesome
It took me a second or third chance to really like this. I must say it's not what mot people expect. It's not a "milky" milk like one might believe, it's much more like a coconut milk from the fruit. Basically watery and thin, but has a good coconut flavor. I absolutely HATED it in cereal but by itself it isn't too bad. It's also ok in baking and gives a good hint of coconut especially used with coconut oil.
Not as much calcium as I'd prefer in a serving, but still tastey, and refreshing. AND you'd hardly notice its from a coconut! It tastes even better in my opinion.