Domino's Pizza

Domino's Pizza

              Rated #82 in Other
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102 Reviews 3.7/5 stars
73% Recommended
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We gave it a try again, booooo. Bad pizza! No taste, bland. Couldn't even taste the toppings, like the whole thing was cardboard. I went online gave them a horrible rating, called the local branch and let them know. Within an hour a guy was at the door returning my credit card slip, asking a million ?? about what was wrong. Offered to do like on tv and show up with a pizza, still hasn't done that been 6-8 weeks. Still waiting.

Couldn't even describe how sick I got on this pizza. Would never eat again.

I like the OLD way of the pizza. The new pizza is disgusting. I don't know why everyone on TV is saying they like it!

Everytime I even try to eat this pizza I get so nauseated. I cant even go in the store.

Where are the toppings? It's almost like one pepperoni or bell pepper per slice. That's where they need to improve the pizza. Papa Murphy's here I come.

I do not like Domino's pizza at all especially the thin crust! It tastes like a newspaper! Had delivery and it was ice cold. I will not get another pizza from them and do not recommend them to anybody!

Sickening Disgusting now. Inedible used to be OK. How can you cheapen to the point of making PIZZA GROSS< MAY I remind the PEOPLE the ESSENCE of PIZZA IS 3 INGREDIENTS ...DOUGH/CRUST..........SAUCE..............and is shameful how hard is is to find a decent pizza . And are these people using FAKE CHEESE?? I do not get how you can NOT get one out of three done well. Why do they not take pride in their food?

Dominos, Sacshe Texas (only) Omg...why would a business hire a General Manager that has a nasty attitude and every single teeth in her mouth is rotten. She looks and acts like she on methamphetamine, and this is the person they have representing the company...that tells you about their standards. Anyways, I went to get my order and the bread looked extremely dry. I asked Liz (general manager), if she could at least put some more butter on the bread. She said she'll do it this time but the next time she won't. I told her to look at it that's the least you could do. Then when I opened the pasta container it had literally one single hand scoop of pasta. Before I could even say anything she said "like I told you last time that's all the Alfredo sauce we can put on there". So that further let's me know she purposely made my food that way because I hadn't even had a chance to say a word (she was being spiteful holding a grudge) I wasn't even thinking about the amount of sauce I was going to say something about the extremely small portion of food. She then goes on to insult me more by saying even if I complain to cooperate they ain't going to do nothing about it but give you a credit. That's all they are going to do they don't care. Saying everytime I come I have a credit like I don't spend my hard earned money at domino's constantly. She basically bragged that she's only going to be there 2 more weeks so she can do whatever she wants and get away with it. How could a company have a person like this in Management? Her attitude along with her appearance is very disgusting. She should not be allowed to continue to work another 2 weeks with the way she treat customers. That's saying a lot about Dominos. If something isn't done about her blatant disrespect I am taking this issue nationally. I'm going on every social media site and posting the video and pictures. I'm going on the company's site as well. I'm fed up with this particular Dominos fr!

the crust has to much garlic and thiscoming from a garlic fan the sauce is different everytime i order was told that if its fresh out of the freezer its plain but the longer its out the spicier and robust it becomes i dont wanna have to have my pizza suace be out for a while for it to be spicy how i like it

I don't know about Domino's anymore. I decided to try them recently because I had a 50% off my order coupon. Well, I haven't eaten from them since they changed their sauce, and I got to say, I didn't like it as much. I also ordered an Hawaiian pizza, only to get Ham and no Pineapple. Odd don't you think? Even said Hawaiian on my receipt and on the sticker on the box. Needless to say I'll stick with Pizza Hut or Papa Johns in the future.....maybe even Papa Murphy's if I feel like baking it myself.

Domino's pizza does'nt have a great flavor. I like their hot wings but that's about it. I definately don''t go there for the pizza.

Mmmmm Dominos Pizza. It's probably a meal i would crave while it's my time of the month. But when its not, it's usually not a place I would go to. I usually prefer more of like family pizzerias. I am always wanting there bread sticks though! Like many say it's usually a hit or miss kinda pizza. Most of the time many people just want a hit. It's cheap though so its family affordable. Not health affordable but for those Friday nights when you don't feel like cooking ordering out is the best dial away.

Dominos is OK but I always end up with a really greasy pizza. You never know what you are going to get with them. Sometimes its great, other times scary!

Domino's pizza is okay if you are on a budget. But, honestly you get what you pay for. Sometimes, it is really greasy or tastes like cardboard. Just be mindeful.

Dominoes has great deals but not so great tasting pizza. The dough has a grainy rough weird taste that isn't the best.