Charlie's Soap Laundry Liquid Detergent

Charlie's Soap Laundry Liquid Detergent

              Rated #45 in Other
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6 Reviews 4.0/5 stars
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I love this product. One bag will last 80 loads, using a tbsp per load. This detergent is safe for baby clothes, silk, gortex. Its the only laundry detergent I use. This detergent leaves no soap residue, so I use less fabric softner.

I loooove charlies! It's the only laundry soap I'll use and it's also useful for so many other things. It's so kind to my sensitive skin and nose. I've also converted my parents and hubby's parents to only use charlies.

I love this product. I get it at the Whole Foods in Winston -Salem NC. Definitely recommend it to others!

We used the powder version of this for the first 6 months after our daughter was born and washed all of our clothes in it prior to her birth. It seemed effective and had no scent to it. The only issue is that it highly recommends running a couple/few loads with just the detergent to clean out your washer from your previous detergent. It also recommends not using drier sheets, which I have a hard time following through with. Otherwise it seems to wash the clothes well with no lasting scent.

Sounds Good...will be trying it soon! 3 stars But only because I have yet to try it

i haven't heard about this detergent. maybe because i dont use clothed diapers for my daughter.