Did you know that one in eight women will get breast cancer in her lifetime? Fortunately, there is hope! When breast cancer is detected early, the five-year survival rate is 98 percent. Early detection saves lives.
We’re teaming up with P&G GIVE Hope to fuel a breast cancer early detection movement among women everywhere, kicked off by the “Do It For the Girls! Day of Action” on Thursday, September 20 with breast cancer survivor and TV personality, Giuliana Rancic. Join us for an afternoon Twitter Party at 3 p.m. We’ll be spreading the word about this important call to action – and more importantly – rallying women to take action. All while giving away some fabulous prizes, including a $200 gift card to the spa of your choice!
RSVP to be eligible for the door prize by commenting on this post with your Twitter handle (Ex. @SheSpeaksUp)!
The Party Details:
When: Thursday 9/20 at 3pm ET
Where: Twitter - follow hashtag #GIVEHope
Custom TweetGrid: http://bit.ly/S0sxO0
Brands: @PGmyGIVE
Special Guest: @GiulianaRancic
Panelists:@Zipporahs, @LisaSamples, @StacieinAtlanta, @haveuheard1, @MommyBlogExpert, @goodenufmother, @MamaMaryShow
We’re giving out over $750 in prizes. You could win our grand prize – a $200 gift card to the spa of your choice!
Party Topics
Let’s “Do It For the Girls!” We’ll be talking about the importance of breast self-exams and we’ll talk you through creating an early detection plan. We’ll also be sharing some ways you can join P&G to support breast cancer research and awareness.
New to Twitter Parties?
No problem. Check out our TweetGrid 101 video and our Twitter Party tips and hints. Then get ready to jump into the conversation!
To get started, click here to Tweet:
Join me at the Do It For the Girls! #GIVEHope Twitter Party w/ @SheSpeaksUp & @PGMyGive 9/20 at 3pm ET! http://bit.ly/ghope
Be sure to RSVP for the party by commenting on this blog post with your Twitter handle to be entered to win the amazing door prize – a $200 gift card to the spa of your choice!
Use the P&G GIVE Hope Facebook App to symbolize your commitment to perform a breast self-exam. When you create a hand using the app, P&G GIVE Hope will donate $1.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation! Make the hand you created your cover photo to help spread the word about this important cause.
If you blog about this Twitter Party, please email your post to blogteam@shespeaks.com. Door prize winner must have RSVP’d via comment and be participating in the discussion to win. Open to all United States residents. One prize per winner. No purchase necessary. All prizewinners must complete a form with mailing details within 48 hours of the party. The form will be DMed if you win a prize.
This was such an awesome party and so inspiring!
@ catlovertoo
very informative. @kangpreet
@monterey17 Can't Wait !