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Should I allow my 13 year old daughter to wear make-up?
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on Apr 14, 2008 (Read 9608 times | Comments: 30)
My 13 year daughter wants to wear make-up (lip-stick, mascara, etc). She says that all her friends wear it. So far, I've allowed her to wear just lip-gloss. But I don't want to introduce her to make up too early....is 13 too early? I want her to wait for a few years but some of my girl-friends say that I'm being too old-fashioned.

on Aug 27, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I don't think it's too early as long as it's not dark. I wouldn't allow lipstick. Lipstick just makes girls look grown. Maybe just gloss, mascara and perhaps light eyeshadow.

on Aug 29, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think if you are uncomfortable with the idea of your daughter wearing makeup at her age, you should try to find some sort of a compromise. Let her buy a few trendy articles of clothing or accessories (I am 26 and SO not up to date with what is trendy for 13 year olds but I'm sure your daughter would have plenty of suggestions). Or maybe you could let her get a cute haircut or really light highlights...something that lets her stand out and feel pretty but something that you're comfortable with too.

on Aug 30, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm 23 now and my parents let me start wearing makeup when I was 13. I had acne, so I think it was my mom trying to help. We had a "makeup party" and she showed me how to use the different cosmetics. It was a lot fun. I'm glad she did that for me. I think if your daughter is ready, it's not too early. It can be a fun thing for both of you!

on Oct 09, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

My daughter is also 13 and started wearing a small amount of makeup at 12. It is just fun for her she did start with only lip-gloss and now she wears everything except mascara. I found with her being allowed to wear it, now she only wears it when she wants to play up an outfit, she also wears less. It is not a battle, and I really stress skincare. Also the lines out now have such a range that she can't have on so much. Great lines are E.L.F on line and the Mark line by Avon. If she can just play with it and have fun it is easier. It is hard to see them grow up but think of the fun going with her you may even find a new look for yourself! I did and you will be surprised at what you can learn from them.

on Oct 16, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

My daughter will be 13 in a few weeks, I know exactly what you are going through. Its hard to know the right time to let them grow up. My daughter hasn't said too much about make up yet but I know its just a matter of time until we have to make that decision too.

on Oct 17, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

Sometimes it is not a bad thing to stick to old fashioned ways. There will be plenty of time for your daughter to wear makeup as she gets older and you will allow her to do so. Stick to your guns and don't let her wear make up at this young age. Just because her friends do it doesn't mean that your daughter should. Case in point, if they jumped off a bridge, would you?? My hats off to you for staying a bit old fashioned. D

on Oct 18, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

My youngest daughter is 19, but I teach 13 yr olds. I noticed an older post by m_kel_sm in August and I think her answer really hit the nail on the head. She said that finding a way to enable your daughter to feel pretty is what matters. I think that's right. As an older person and a mom I can think all I want that looks are not important - but inside that 13 year old girl is a little voice asking, "But am I pretty?" A cute haircut, a new lip gloss, a pretty top, even a little mascara - whatever you feel comfortable with and makes her walk out the door feeling good about how she looks. It makes a difference at any age. I'm 56 and I know I feel better on good hair days or when my clothes help me look in the mirror and say, "Hey, I look good today!"

on Oct 20, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am 19 years old and i personally went through this. I told my mom the same thing at around 13 and my mom told me, you have your entire life to wear make up but she did let me start wearing a couple things. While i wasnt allowed to pile on eyeshadow or eyeliner she did let me start wearing foundation, blush and lipgloss. To be honest i am so happy my mom didnt let me wear makeup like the girls at school because now that i am older i like to look more natural than all makeup uped. I say if she wants to wear make up allow her to wear certain things but make it a mother daughter kind of thing. Teach her how to use the things you buy and make sure she doesn't pile it on. Do it in moderation.

on Feb 04, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think lip gloss is good enough for 13... I have a 13 yr old son and he is just now starting to notice girls. He speaks more to my boyfriend about girls, but he has comented that the ones who wear make up seem like they are trying too hard. When I ask him what he means, he says they walk around acting like they are all grown up and know it all (isn't that all 13 yr olds? lol) and that to him they are just fake. Plus he says they need way more practice putting on their make up because some of them come out of the ladies room looking like they tried to copy a picture in a magazine and really hosed it up. I say stick to your guns on this one... she will thank you later.

on Feb 07, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think that today young girls are growing up to fast. They are not going to stay kids that long. My daughter is in her 20 now and she sees that it is hard to be a grownup. As she was growing up I alway told her to stay a kid and don't try to be a grownup. She will have alot of time to wear make-up and all those pretty dresses that were not in her age group. I would let her wear makeup and a nice dress on special days. It takes a special person to say that they will not follow others when they can be just themself. 13 is way to young and maybe just a light color of lipstick on special days just to make her happy and feel grownup.
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