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Should I allow my 13 year old daughter to wear make-up?
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on Apr 14, 2008 (Read 9607 times | Comments: 30)
My 13 year daughter wants to wear make-up (lip-stick, mascara, etc). She says that all her friends wear it. So far, I've allowed her to wear just lip-gloss. But I don't want to introduce her to make up too early....is 13 too early? I want her to wait for a few years but some of my girl-friends say that I'm being too old-fashioned.

on Apr 28, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

my sister is 11 and want to wear make up as well though I tell my parents that she's too young but after much consideration they gave in and she started wear powder, lip gloss and eyeliner. After a few days she stopped on her own. She said it was too much work getting up extra early just to put make up on before school. She'd rather sleep a while longer. I told she did the right thing. I started wearing makeup when I was 13 and I now have prove of how much damage it does to your skin. Perhaps your daughter will relalize that wearin makeup isn;t as much fun as it seems, after all natural beauty beats fake beauty any day!

on Apr 30, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think that skin care is the biggest part of this. Maybe a mommy and i day to show her the responsibilities that come with the make up in regards to skin care. Possibly discussing why she really feels the need to do this (and not that old stand by of everyone else is doing it as My mom always said if they jump off the garage will you want to do that too?) make her talk about why she really wants it and share with her how important it is to be a individual. Maybe a manicure pedicure for you both and a Mom and I lunch. At the lunch you can touch on why it is important to be herself and also that she is a beauty in her own right. Let her know that she does not need to over do the make up. If in fact she gives good reasons and you are happy with the discussion than a trip to the skin care counter or aisle depending on your budget would be first and than the make up second.

I would personally start her out at a natural look concentrate on just accentuating the natural beauty with light bronzer or blush, and a mascara, along with a lightly tinted lip gloss. Let her know how beautiful she is with just that. Oh and make sure to get her a make up case to keep it in. if all goes well at 15 she can add more or on special occasions etc a light shadow can be added

I have to be honest though that but the others and the friends are doing it excuse does not wash with me. When i ask my kids why they want something if they can not give me sound reasons i send them to think about it. If they can give me good ones when they come back we discuss it if they can not they are just out of luck until they are able to come up with good reasons why they want to and how it will benefit and not harm them Any big choice is made like that with my kids. It was something I never learned growing up and had to discover on my own after many poor choices.

on May 07, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

Welcome to the teen years!!! I also have a 13 year old daughter and I hear everyday "But all my friends do it (or have one)".I do allow my daughter to wear makeup, but I chose the makeup (colors, shades; etc). I also monitor how she puts it on. I don't think it's being old fashioned. I have seen alot of young girls, even younger than my daughter, that go out in public looking like they put their makeup on with a paint roller. It's not appealing at all.

on May 24, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am 27 and I started to wear lipstick when I was 13, blush at 14, lite eye shadow at 15... and so on. I realize that was 14 years ago that it started but if I had girls now (I have 2 boys)I would do things the same way. I learned that I could be and feel pretty without looking like I had just run out of a covergirl add. Self image is everything when your a teenager. It is up to you mom to teach her what is going to give her a good self image.

OH and when I did start wearing make-up fully it was helpful that my mom took me to the mall to a make-up counter where I learned HOW to put on make-up to be flattering to me. It was a really cool bonding time that I will never forget.

on Jun 02, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

My mom wouldn't let me wear make-up until I was 15 (I'm 22 now). At the time it was a little annoying since most of my friends had started wearing make-up by than. But looking back, I think it was a good decision. I think so many kids are growing up way too fast. Girls have so much external pressure as it is. Make-up isn't a huge deal in the grand scheme of her coming highschool years. I'd say that waiting a few years is a good thing.

on Jun 24, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think 13 is too young for a girl to be wearing make-up. at 13, you are still a child..what flaws could you possibly have that you need to hide? my mom didnt allow me to wear makeup until i was 16, and even then i decided that makeup was not for me. i like the person that i am without covering it up with a bunch of paint.

on Jun 24, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

My own mom's solution to this dilemma back when I was in middle school (I'm 23 now) was to take my sister and I to a makeup counter for "makeovers" for our 13th birthdays. Being the savvy woman that she was, she took us to Clinique and, she told us later, mouthed over our heads to the makeup artists "NATURAL!" Clinique makeup is very clean and light, and they really excel at offering natural-looking colors. My sister and I walked out of the mall with our heads held proud, wearing the thinnest coat of mascara, light brown and cream-colored eyeshadow and a little lipgloss. We were wearing makeup, so we had that air of confidence all 13-year-old girls crave, but no one else could really tell we had any make up on. We just looked a little bit more polished. 10 years later, I still barely wear any makeup, just enough to give me that extra oomph in the morning.

on Jul 11, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have 14 & 11 year old girls. My 14 year old was allowed to were mascara and lip gloss when she entered middle school. Fortunately, my 11 year old is not yet interested. I have learned if your daughter is very determined to were make-up, she will. Wouldn't you rather it be under your supervision, or would you rather she use a friends and risk exposure to bacteria (ie, eye infections, cold sores etc.). Letting our babies grow up is very difficult. Sometimes you need to weigh the pros & cons. Believe me, the "Tammy Faye" look will never be permitted, but a little mascara and lip gloss hasn't hurt anything.

on Jul 17, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I loved wearing lipstick and lipgloss that age, as well as perfume marketed to teens. Full-face makeup is too much. Maybe mascara on a special occasion would make her feel good, and it's a compromise. Maybe she would like scented lotion, seems like an alternative to makeup.

on Aug 25, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I don't think you are being too old fashioned. I have a daughter who just turned 15 a mth ago. I felt the same way as you do. We allowed her to wear makeup but only lipgloss,mascara or maybe a light pink tinted lip gloss. Just because her friends were doing it doesn't mean that I had to let her do it. My husband and I are stricter than alot of her friends parents and I am glad because alot of her friends are wearing short short skirts,low cut tops,too much makeup and our daughter doesn't feel the need to do that. We told her that she is beautiful without all that makeup. Even now at 15 all she wears is mascara and alittle light eyeshadow and lipgloss. I just think 13 is too young and it makes them look older and brings unwanted attention.
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