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mirco link hair extensions
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on Mar 02, 2011 (Read 208 times | Comments: 2)
I'm getting mirco link Extensions in a few weeks, has any one gotten these or have them currently. if so do you like them? do you have any care tips for them or any other useful info? thanks

on Mar 13, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Ive never heard of them? Im going to look into it though, ive always wanted hair extentions...and am waiting for the next biggest thing to come out to get them. Since Ive never heard of this Im assuming its something new. Thanks for the post :o)

on Mar 16, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I just got hair extensions, but I don't know if they are what you would call micro link. Mine are held on with a mix of beeswax and keratin. This link explains what I have, so it may be the same. http://www.noellesalon.com/extensions.html#mega I have had mine for about two weeks and they are great. I got them because I am getting married in two weeks. They advised me to get them a month early so that I could get used to the feel of them and get the shedding done with before my wedding. It was good advice, because the first time I blow dried my hair I felt like it took three hours. It also takes time to get used to the little bumps that hold the extensions to your hair. Sleeping the first night was a little annoying, but I am used to it now. You do have to be careful with blow drying and using the flat iron, and you have to keep the attachments dry and oil free. Let me know if either of you guys want pictures.