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Shopping during Coronavirus
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on Mar 18, 2020 (Read 585 times | Comments: 25)
Are you stocked up on essentials during this time? What items did you make sure to have? What are you missing? How are you getting what you need?

on Mar 18, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I could have done a better job. I might do store pickups if possible. I will need toilet paper, I didn't hoard that. I need to buy a lot of soups as well.

on Mar 18, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I feel like we are running through food very quickly. I thought that I stocked up and bought enough but then turn around and the food is gone! With the kids home all day they are eating alot more than usual.

on Mar 27, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I thought I was prepared but didn't anticipate what would be hard to get in our region. We are going through food quickly and things are not easy to replenish. Store pickups and deliveries are difficult to schedule - so those are not options for us. 

on Mar 27, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm a planner and typically have 10 meals already on a menu to pick from prior to this.  I have been filling in and updating the menu as we've eaten it, but I feel good about our food supply. We've been eating through our freezer and having home cooked casseroles so that we have a leftover night. I did not stock pile anything but am finding it frustrating where I live,  to replenish what we've eaten.  The shelves are empty and they shouldn't be according to the news.  I have done online shopping for personal essentials and Target was awesome - better than Amazon. 

on Mar 27, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

We always stay stocked up on toilet paper but we have had to run out to gte milk and eggs. I also grabbed a bucnh of snack cakes to munch on and plenty of juice or other beverages to drink.

on Mar 27, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I grew up in a place with blizzards - so having a well stock pantry is a way of life for me. When I moved to the south, I didn't change that habit and my new husband thought it was rather odd. Until the hurricane hit and I was the only person in town not scrambling to get supplies. Now with this situation, which seems to have no end, I'm so prepared it's almost laughable. I have enough toilet paper for a small army, I have milk in the freezer, I have have meat to spare, I have enough canned good to last a year - I could go on but you get the idea. My upbringing has made me well suited for this, or any other crisis.

on Mar 27, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

we tried out best to stock up but still cannot find toilet paper or paper towels so once we run out, we're out unless we find them somewhere

on Mar 27, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I was somewhat stocked before becoming sick but nowhere near enough thanks to the hoarders who caused panic buying. My husband is self isolating with me, no income coming in, and the only thing I can do is have what little food is in stock delivered from the store using credit cards. We'll bounce back financially I'm sure. My frustration and anger is people who felt they needed 50 rolls of tp leaving many of us with 6 rolls and none in stock when we are sick. 

on Mar 27, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm never one to panic buy, but I prefer to eat fresh/healthy, so I've been placing small instacart orders, though I've transitioned to a lot of frozen options for now so I don't have to order as often.

on Mar 27, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am the type of person that is always stocked up on everything I need.  I always buy when things are on sale and I have coupons.  My husband always laughs when I do that and now he is glad.  I do not understand why everyone thinks they will need all this toilet paper.  Wher I live it is hard to find meat and canned things.  I am glad I stock up all the time.
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