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Eating out with friends? How do you pay the bill? Tell us to win $25!
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on Sep 12, 2018 (Read 32819 times | Comments: 258)
When you eat out with friends, do you split the bill evenly, contribute just what you ate, or take turns paying? Do you use Venmo, PayPal, credit cards, cash or something else? How has this changed since mobile payments became commonplace? Tell us your favorite bill-paying strategies and you'll be entered to win $25 toward your next meal (paid how you want to spend it: Venmo, PayPal, or Amazon gift card!) Enter through September 30, 2018. Winner will be randomly selected and must be a U.S. resident at least 18 years of age.

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love using Venmo - it drives me nuts now when someone doesn't have it! So much easier to settle up in a few swipes vs having to get cash or write someone a check. I usually am a fan of just splitting the bill evenly and everyone throws in their credit card -this gets more complicated when someone isn't drinking, but we usually then just have everyone else leave the tip.

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am old school. Throw a bunch of cards in the folder and split it evenly. The wait staff is usually accommodating and will even split the tab according to what everyone had or proportionately if we are dining with multiple families.

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

We typically split the bill evenly if possible and if they won't split the check then we use a service like Venmo or Paypal to pay each other back.

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

Usually just split evenly if everyone orders stuff around the same price. Usually we do CC payment BUT I def have those friends that do not come prepared and always panic and look for a ATM at the location to get cash out so I usually just tell them to venmo me the money to save time. I think splitting via CC Is the easiest and then your not bugging people to pay you back via venmo or paypal.

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

Usually we split it unless someone has said before hand that they will pay. Sometimes we ask the waiter to just split the bill, and sometimes one pays and the other pay back later.

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

We usually go Dutch.

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

Usually, when eating out we all get our own separate bills. At times, one of us will pay for the other or we'll split the bill evenly if we share appetizers.

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

First, I make sure to go out with a group of friends that don't turn into mathematicians when the bill comes. :) If we can't do separate checks, then we split food, tax and tip evenly and everyone pays for their own drinks.

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

Various ways. We all try to out do each other and pay for the bill. Most times we all save gift cards and sign up for emails to get free items or discounts, some have certain apps on their phones that give us discounts right there too.. Sometimes we split the check or just pay for what we ordered each on our own checks. It's never the same twice.

on Sep 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

If the server seems ok with separate checks, that is the way to go. However, if it's a large party and the server seems harried, I and/or my husband usually pay the bill on our credit card and people can give us cash or pay us via Venmo.
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