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What items do you buy online vs in-store?
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on Mar 20, 2017 (Read 43994 times | Comments: 60)
How do you decide what items are better to touch in person and which are good to buy from the comfort of your home? Are your online/in-store habits changing? Are you buying things online that you never thought you would? What will you always buy in-store?

on Apr 07, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I will buy electronics, movies, books, Knick knacks, animal food/treats/accessories for my pets and accessories for myself. Shoes, clothes. Accessories for electronics. Really anything except certain foods I won't buy like cold foods but I would buy box Foods.

on Apr 07, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

My habits are not changing, and I have been buying online ever since the first products were offered for sale online. I go were the best prices are. I am opening to buying anything online, but am shying away from beauty products including toothpaste and floss because of the counterfeit product problem. If a site insured that the products were not fakes, then i might be more open to buying these items. Because fresh produce is not yet available online at a good price, i plan to buy fresh produce in store for the time being, but it would be nice if someone offered this at the same low price s as store shopping and had a way to deliver them when i am at home through a trusted delivery person/service..

on Apr 07, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

My habits are not changing, and I have been buying online ever since the first products were offered for sale online. I go were the best prices are. I am opening to buying anything online, but am shying away from beauty products including toothpaste and floss because of the counterfeit product problem. If a site insured that the products were not fakes, then i might be more open to buying these items. Because fresh produce is not yet available online at a good price, i plan to buy fresh produce in store for the time being, but it would be nice if someone offered this at the same low price s as store shopping and had a way to deliver them when i am at home through a trusted delivery person/service..

on Apr 07, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm more of an physical shopper because I am so particular stuff, such as my clothing's; I am not fan of cheap materials. However, I like to order online from time-to-time because its items much of my associates are not using -- kind of make me feel in-original.

on Apr 09, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have been purchasing make up online quite more than in store.

on Apr 09, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I shop online 100% of the time. We have a very affordable, local, organic delivery service for fresh, and frozen, it's awesome. I just place my order online over the weekend and it's delivered on Monday. I have a standing order for vegetables, and some other perishables.

on Apr 10, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I buy all sorts of items online, specially from Amazon. Even sometimes it includes grocery too.

on Apr 10, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I buy items you cannot find in stores, or items that are sold in Europe that are not sold in the US.

on Apr 10, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I generally don't buy cleaning supplies or most food items online.

on Apr 10, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

Would say clothing items are a must to purchase in person because sizes vary .
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