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What's your #SheSpeaksChallenge?
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on Jan 09, 2017 (Read 169457 times | Comments: 136)
What's something you would like to personally accomplish? At SheSpeaks, we have put ourselves to the test, trying out a variety of challenges. What's a goal you are trying to reach? How's it going?

Join us and you could be one of five winners to each get an Amazon Echo Dot! Check out the info here: bit.ly/2j0FXD3

on Feb 14, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

Still continuing challanges and making lifestyle changes!! Intend to continue even after contest thoughout the rest of the year.

on Feb 14, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »
Originally posted by SophiaG » 
Still continuing challanges and making lifestyle changes!! Intend to continue even after contest thoughout the rest of the year.

That's great! Please keep us posted!

on Feb 15, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

We are having some terrific weather here in Illinois this week, and I am happy to be back outside walking 2 miles per day. So far I have only lost 1 lb. this year, but that is better than gaining! My husband is planning to join me on walks once he is finished with his cardiac rehab in April. We are committed to eating a low-sodium and low-fat diet with a goal of better managing our weight, cholesterol and blood pressure. My annual exam is scheduled in one month and I am curious to see if my efforts have paid off. My youngest daughters are 9 and 11 and I am happy to report that they are picking up on good nutrition knowledge. I take them shopping to get them involved in reading the labels on just about everything we bring into the house. When I prepare a meal I make sure to tell them exactly what I changed about the recipe to make it healthier. They are totally on board with this healthy eating thing! #SheSpeaksChallenge

on Feb 17, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

To cut out soft drinks.

on Sep 19, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would love to maintain my current numbers rather loosing extra pounds. Can someone suggest me how detox water plays an integral role in staying fit.

on Oct 17, 2019 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am trying to be more accepting and kind, as to listen before I respond to my husband and kids as to try to alleviate stress and tension. Ha key word Try. I would also like to lose 10 pounds by spring and to use the stairs in our house as a way to try to incorporate exercise and healthy living.
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