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What's your #SheSpeaksChallenge?
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on Jan 09, 2017 (Read 170771 times | Comments: 136)
What's something you would like to personally accomplish? At SheSpeaks, we have put ourselves to the test, trying out a variety of challenges. What's a goal you are trying to reach? How's it going?

Join us and you could be one of five winners to each get an Amazon Echo Dot! Check out the info here: bit.ly/2j0FXD3

on Feb 04, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

Im with you. That is my down fall...love my soda. Thats why I decided to drink more water and its so true you loose weight, feel better and drink much less soda. Hope its going well for you. Take care

on Feb 05, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

Getting a bit quiet on discussion board.....hope everyone is just busy but still continuing there challenge!!! Best of luck!!

on Feb 06, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

SophiaG - impressed that you are doing multiple challenges. I'm about to finish up the Push-up challenge, but it is inspiring me to start a new one after that. So I'm curious - what challenge would you recommend? What is a challenge you have enjoyed doing?

on Feb 06, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

went to the gym again today, must stay motivated

on Feb 06, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am challenging myself to save money and declutter my home at the same time. All the money I earn from garage sales and ebay sales will go into an emergency fund.

on Feb 06, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

Mine are not as athletic as yours as Im disabled. But one is drinking water several times a day as soda was my downfall. Grateful challenge was the other which I write what Im grateful for each day and try to do sonething daily for others. I enjoy that the most. I am currently dog sitting which I love animals. However this dog has more energy and requires being walked more which is good for me as well. Good luck in whatever you choose.

on Feb 06, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

This reply is for KouponKat....that is a great idea of a challange. I have also been trying to clear out what I dont need and putting aside for a yard sale this spring. I am actually addicted to organizing, it makes me feel so good when I finish an area!! But like the idea of applying the monies to savings as I could definitely use an emergency fund. Hope your sale goes well. I have found advertising on Craigslist and lots of signage works best. If you can convince neighbors to also have a sale, people love community sales and you will attract more customers. ☺

on Feb 07, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

another gym day in the books, no real weight loss but feeling stronger

on Feb 08, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm still trying to increase my water intake-- it's definitely a struggle, but I'm trying! I am going to download an app on my phone to help with the process, so I can gradually drink my water and not feel so rushed by the end of the day to drink so much of it to catch up. As time goes on, I will increase my intake, so that I can actually learn to love drinking water (and it not feel like a chore).

on Feb 08, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

A suggestion for ballagirl. I have never learned to enjoy plain water, therefore I have had a terrible habbit of drinking soda which I really enjoy. I have been drinking water several tines a day since this challenge began. What Ive dine to make it more enjoyable and to break away from soda is I add half a lemon or whatever fruit you prefer. I sometimes add Crystal Lite to water or if I really need my caffeine I will have a glass of unsweetened tea with a sluce if lemon. I also drink plain water but I think putting a twist on it that really not unhealthy helps to make the switch to water. Good luck, don't give up every glass us an accomplishment!!
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