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How can we make social media a more positive and supportive space?
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on Jul 08, 2016 (Read 160093 times | Comments: 101)
What have you done to make a positive influence online? What have you seen others do? What else can be done?

on Jul 13, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've seen others who have responded to harsh comments in a negative way. Personally, I think it's best if you just comment something nice to the person who originally shared the post.

on Jul 13, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Support each other's successes! Celebrate each other's accomplishments, give encouragement, praise - tell people you love them and are cheering them on. It takes sooo little to give love - I always imagine the struggles that person deals with and that a little positivity goes a long way.

on Jul 13, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Bullying is such a huge problem in this country I am so happy to see people actively trying to stop it!!! ❤️

on Jul 13, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Bullying is such a huge problem in this country I am so happy to see people actively trying to stop it!!! ❤️

on Jul 14, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

In light of recent shootings of cops, blacks, etc. I have tried to repost the posts that encompass everyone and not just a particular group of people to end the hate and stop the madness

on Jul 14, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

What have you done to make a positive influence online? Personally because I feel like social media is such a broad reaching arena, I always keep it light and try never to post anything other than little quips or things that in no way could be viewed as offensive, harsh or otherwise be made to draw the ire of others. I try not to post anything online that could in any way be miscontrued because you never know how someone else is going to interpret the words you are saying when there is no inflection or person to go along with those words. I try to post nice things where I feel others need encouragement and try to have positive conversations when I do have them to make sure that others know they are supported. What have you seen others do? I have seen a lot of negative comments online so I have seen where people can pick something harsh or critical to say and it just takes off and while I don't really feel that is the way social media was intended you have to be careful.

on Jul 14, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

We should use lots of positive reinforcement encouragement . Maybe share good news for a change instead of all the dreary news. the headlines seems to only post about. We need to deter bullying. if someone wants to hide behind their screen and bully someone call them out . tell them its rude and not nice and if the situation was returned ask them how would they feel. Then go on to compliment the person being bullied reassure them they are a beautiful person inside and out and have nothing to be concerned about. We do not want to become a bully by bullying the bully back we just want to tell them their actions are wrong. and if not the site owner contact them if it keeps occurring and have them blocked or banned from doing this again to that person or anyone else.. Use of sites is a privilage not a right.

on Jul 14, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Excellent advice, let cool heads prevail. :)

on Jul 14, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have an inspirational blog to help uplift women. I post daily. And anytime my bully tries to bring me down about anything, I do not lash out. I ignore the negativity. I bring on the inspiration twice as hard per say. I realized I have the power to be the stronger one, not my bully. It really is in the telling of truths and learning not to react to a bully's tactics. Maturity.

on Jul 15, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Rep!y or post response to negative posts
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