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How can we make social media a more positive and supportive space?
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on Jul 08, 2016 (Read 160048 times | Comments: 101)
What have you done to make a positive influence online? What have you seen others do? What else can be done?

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would love to be involved in some kind of movement

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I will like the post and follow and share when there is something postive

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

It's harder when it's a very open Web page but I've seen others speak up to try and stop bullying and harassment and when it's a closed group page, we straight up boot and block people out of this group I'm in on fb. It's so easy for bullies to make nasty comments about people when they are hiding behind a screen but over half of them would never say something like that in public and I'm just curious why they feel the need to harass people or what they gain from it. 😔

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Harsh comments stem from personal insecurity of the commenter. It's important to make them realize they made a mistake

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

This isn't a women's issue. Men are just as harassed, and women are, in my opinion, a heck of a lot nastier online and IRL than men.

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Report groups to facebook take harass and bully ,also report fake accounts and mean post

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I don't think it is possible to make social media a more positive and supportive space because of the very nature of such platforms. We can't control the masses from being negative and the companies that run the social media have such lax policies about banning folks who are bad, evil, negative. They say it is all in the name of tolerance or political correctness. Therefore, we can never get the negatives off the air as long as people think that truth is all relative to the person speaking it.. hate thrives in that kind of environs and so I dont think it is possible to make social media a more positive and supportive space. It is not about real relationships, it is a platform of acquaintanceships.

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

What can be done to make it more positive? Just be more sensitive, that although we are all entitled to our own opinions, would we like the same critizism back? Think on how that would make us feel. I've seen others post some horrible comments under breastfeeding moms pictures. They should either be left alone, or a positive comment that they succeeded, breastfeeding is not the easy route as some would believe.

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think the positive influence starts with us, the women. Supporting each other rather then putting each other down, or judging one another.

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I don't think positive reinforcement should be limited to women. I've seen plenty of men be degraded and harassed on social media. My response to people who post derogatory comments to me is no response at all. That is the quickest diffuser of most situations like that. Those who post such comments are usually looking to stir up trouble. If they can't get a rise out of you, they'll move on.
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