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How can we make social media a more positive and supportive space?
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on Jul 08, 2016 (Read 160108 times | Comments: 101)
What have you done to make a positive influence online? What have you seen others do? What else can be done?

on Sep 30, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I just don't think that will ever happen! People seem to always want to air their dirty laundry on social media!

on Oct 07, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Always post good if i see someone posting negative on a friend of family stuff i just say something to make them feel good about themselves..

on Oct 10, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Post usefull things. From simple things as a receipe to important things as missing persons' alerts. Avoid reposting hatefull posts or posts by people that provoke only to get their 15 mins of fame! Try to use social media for pleasing and helping others!

on Oct 10, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Post usefull things. From simple things as a receipe to important things as missing persons' alerts. Avoid reposting hatefull posts or posts by people that provoke only to get their 15 mins of fame! Try to use social media for pleasing and helping others!

on Nov 10, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I try to go where positive people go or enjoy myself in smaller groups. I notice in smaller group people really enjoy each other company like this community. I try to past on as much positive energy as I can and hope to get some back. I do believe some time the negative can be change and I know it might take a while before negative can be turn into something positive.

on Nov 16, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Be Kind, generous, positive and helpful. Spread loving kindness.

on Nov 16, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Be Kind, generous, positive and helpful. Spread loving kindness.

on Nov 30, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think we all just need to love each other and find the good in people and stop trying to put people down.

on Dec 26, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

To join social media is a choice. I usually post relevant, informative comments without rudeness. In return, if I do not like a rude or inappropriate comment, I have the ability to respond, or block the person, or delete the site entirely. I have done all thrre. It's not social media's role to proect me from people's stupidity. It is, however, social media's role to ban blatantly terrorist, heinous, and hateful sites.

on Dec 29, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm sick of online bullying my fiances neice made this nasty comment about my inability to have kids privately than got all these people to believe I was harassing her and making her feel bad about having a kid I was just trying to defend myself and everytime I did she used it to make me feel bad she still treats me like crap over it and talks behind my back online and yet I'm the bully supposedly it hurts she tells everyone I make up stories about being pregnant to get attention I've had 8 miscarriages she's a cold unfeeling person she even came to my place and threatened me and put it all over her posts how I refused to fight her or apologize I'm not apologizing for a hurtful comment she made in ignorance than exploited to bully me I'm no longer going to play into people's hurtful games when they start bullying me I'm going to block them I won't let them get pleasure from my pain anymore
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