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Are women supportive of each other?
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on Mar 16, 2016 (Read 105008 times | Comments: 98)
We surveyed 2,000 SheSpeaks members and only 37% said that they believe that women are supportive of one another. Does that surprise you? Do you agree or disagree? Share your thoughts. We want to know what you think!

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am usually people watching and observe how others treat each other so this isn't too surprising. It makes me sad and disappointed though to know that this is the norm for this time in our life. I personally try to be supportive of others because I don't want to be another statistic and I like proving people wrong. I also know that from experience I have not been supported too many times in my life and being supportive of others can make a difference!

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am totally shocked! I feel women are the nurturers in life and especially to other woman. I have a close knit group of women that support me and I return that gesture often. Much of what we do is for other women. I mentioned that even putting on makeup and fixing hair is mostly for other women. Men do not really care about things like that. Maybe the women surveyed did not understand the meaning of being supported. I feel sorry for any woman that does feel she has feminine support. If a woman has a health scare or an issue with family another woman can usually relate and help guide through those times. I truly believe in girl/woman power and would be lost without it.

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Completely disagree - although this could be age related - people of my generation are VERY supportive - I am 64!

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Completely disagree - although this could be age related - people of my generation are VERY supportive - I am 64!

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

That is so surprising to me. It's sad that women aren't more supportive of each other. I think we need to stick together and encourage one another. I know that women are more emotional than men, but we need build each other up so that we can all succeed in our busy lives. Stop getting caught up in the petty stuff!

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

That is so surprising to me. It's sad that women aren't more supportive of each other. I think we need to stick together and encourage one another. I know that women are more emotional than men, but we need build each other up so that we can all succeed in our busy lives. Stop getting caught up in the petty stuff!

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I kind of figured it would go that route. Sometimes we assume that others aren't for us when the reality is we failed to connect with that person. I think we do support each it may it always fee like it.

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I believe women are negative towards one another as that is what society pushes on them. Everywhere women turn their body is broken down to individual pieces of anatomy. Other woman judge each other's hair, makeup, weight, style, etc. Pictures are airbrushed & photo-shopped to unattainable ideals that someone in advertising felt should be the norm. Other woman see these ideals & if you don't live up to them, then you must not be worthy of any positive attention. Women are always in competition for a man's attention, even when they have a man. They will support you while in your presence, but turn against you and say negative things about you as soon as you walk away. Society needs to advertise woman as they are. Women have many of the same female issues. Women need to step back & see that we as women need each other to lift ourselves up past the negativity and empower each other. Women need to see each other as we are- the same.

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I believe women are negative towards one another as that is what society pushes on them. Everywhere women turn their body is broken down to individual pieces of anatomy. Other woman judge each other's hair, makeup, weight, style, etc. Pictures are airbrushed & photo-shopped to unattainable ideals that someone in advertising felt should be the norm. Other woman see these ideals & if you don't live up to them, then you must not be worthy of any positive attention. Women are always in competition for a man's attention, even when they have a man. They will support you while in your presence, but turn against you and say negative things about you as soon as you walk away. Society needs to advertise woman as they are. Women have many of the same female issues. Women need to step back & see that we as women need each other to lift ourselves up past the negativity and empower each other. Women need to see each other as we are- the same.

on Mar 19, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I don't think it's surprising at all.. I've seen and heard so many women who will gossip, bad mouth, etc other women and who will step on others to get better positions at work.
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