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18 weeks pregnant with first baby, any advice?
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on Jul 29, 2015 (Read 17091 times | Comments: 28)
Hi! I am currently 18 weeks pregnant with my first child. Its exciting but a little nerve wracking. Any advice on how to save up or tips on surviving while on maternity leave?

on Aug 19, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Coupon and stock up on diapers and wipes if you haven't already (coupons get will save you some $$), and if your breastfeeding get yourself lanolin cream. Try to get a bouncer or cradle swing from friends or family to save some $. Prepare ready to eat meals because you'll be tired to make anything, And once your baby has arrived sleep whenever she sleeps! Congratulations on your little one!

on Aug 19, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Get the book "what to expect when your expecting". It eased all of my stress not knowing what to expect or if what I was feeling was normal. Eat healthy, don't stress! Enjoy this time. CONGRATS!

on Aug 25, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Yeah, take lots of pictures. I made the mistake of being photographed only once and guess what? The picture somehow got misplaced and I have no images of me with child. I am not happy about that because was actually carried my son pretty well and would have loved to show it off at this point in my life. Please don't make the same mistake. Capture every stage and then some. Congratulations.

on Aug 26, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Congratulations!! When I was pregnant with my first child I was so excited. Make sure you eat healthy and at least walk a few times a day. Prenatal vitamins is a most. I had severe morning sickness and all day sickness. It subsided after 5 months of pregnancy. Congratulations again.

on Aug 28, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Only one advice- don't forget to take care of yourself too :)

on Sep 05, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Get Baby Rigestrys in many stores and load them up with a lot of items think about the little things too, like Shampoo etc. You will get a reduced price on the items in your Regegestry, even after your baby is born! Sign up for simulac, Gerber, enfamil, pampers, hugies etc. You can get a lot of free baby stuff. You can rent a hospital grade pump (if you need to) I rented here http://www.ibrump.com/, you can buy good baby clothes online here:https://www.swap.com/! I hope that I could help you!

on Sep 05, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Get Baby Rigestrys in many stores and load them up with a lot of items think about the little things too, like Shampoo etc. You will get a reduced price on the items in your Regegestry, even after your baby is born! Sign up for simulac, Gerber, enfamil, pampers, hugies etc. You can get a lot of free baby stuff. You can rent a hospital grade pump (if you need to) I rented here http://www.ibrump.com/, you can buy good baby clothes online here:https://www.swap.com/! I hope that I could help you!

on Sep 19, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

That's what I was thinking!!

on Sep 21, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Definitely become familiar with saltines and ginger ale, also even when you find out the gender dont run out buying all pink/blue. I did that and i had a boy. :)

on Oct 14, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Remember to do what feels right for you and your baby. There will be all kinds of advice out there and do take some into consideration but when you're up to bat, you'll just know :) As far as saving money, if you have a Kroger type store near you check out krogerkrazy.com. She posts all the great sales at the kroger and kroger brand stores as well as their coupon matchups. It's super easy to get stocked up on little things like toothpaste and shampoo for very very cheap. Also, I use target brand diapers. I've tried pampers, luvs, etc and I've found I really love target Up and Up diapers. They do excellent deals on them. If you go at the right time, Target does sales on all brands of diapers buy two and get a gift card- that can help stocking up ahead of time. Oh, and don't forget to buy newborn diapers. lol. I didn't know they existed! So many people gifted us size 1 and 2 diapers so we figured we were covered and then we had the baby and were like whattt! rookie mistake :)
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