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Stay at home Mom Blues
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on May 21, 2013 (Read 50474 times | Comments: 24)
I have recently been feeling under appreciated for what I do for my three children and husband. I may not "punch a clock" but perhaps I should because my job is not done until the last child is asleep and I am the first to rise every morning with coffee ready and breakfast to make, then its a roller coaster of chores and "To-do" lists all over again, seven days a week. My husband and I felt it was more important to myself to raise our kids, also with the job i did have when I was pregnant with our first child would not of helped pay anything after daycare. I'm just afraid I will have regrets later about not doing more even though my two sons are straight A students, best in citizenship and well rounded children, my daughter just turned two so I have a few more years to stay home and be the Mother she needs too. Does any other stay at Home Mom feel unappreciated, frustrated and tired of their job at times even knowing how much you love your children?

on Nov 11, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Yes i think we all do at times. I'm a stay at home as well mom to 4 kids my youngest is 22 months old girl a boy of 5 and a girl of 12 and a boy of 13 years old. The house is always clutter they leave things every were i feel i can never get a brake. At times i regret staying home when it get to stressful but recently my husband has been pitching in to do some chores and the kids too they make sure the dish washer get loaded at night and unloaded when they get from school they also agreed to wash and fold there own clothing to help me out. I have voice to my family that i feel thats its un fair for me pick up there mess and that they should try to help out more. Feeling un appreciated at times tired and full of regrets of time it comes and it goes. I think its time to relax and watch a movie with you feet soaking in a hot water. The chores will never leave so just relax today.

on Nov 11, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I came across these posts and HAD to comment because I am also a stay at home maid I mean mom but I agree with you I am lucky enough to have a husband who works and believe me I have fought very hard to keep it that way because I do not think i could be a single mom., I have RA and Cronhs,RA is very painfull,and makes you always exhausted, I have damaged joints,muscles and bones I have endometriosis,carpel tunnel and migranes.This is just a few of many problems I have.I also do not have ANY family or friends that help with my son.my husband works 50-70 hrs a week so when I say its my 2 1/2 yearold and me 24/7 I mean 24/7.oh and I can not drive either. BUT i still consider myself lucky cause i think that it would be so hard be a sm. I have so much respect for all of you.I think it takes a hell of a strong person to take care of a child all by yourself ,if anything you kids have a great role model.

on Nov 12, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I was a SAHM with my oldest daughter for 2 years then I went back to work for 2 years, and then I became a SAHM again when I gave birth to my second daughter last year. It was a really big adjustment to go back to contributing to the household in a non-financial manner and I feel under appreciated and like no matter how much I do it's not as much as my hard working husband. The worst part is giving up all of the financial control to my husband since he is the one who is making the money. Although I love being home and playing with my girls all day, I really want more decision making power when it comes to the budget. And I want to be shown appreciation by everyone in my home for everything that I do from one day to the next.

on Nov 12, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I hear you i feel that way sometimes to just keep your head up they appreciate you even if they dont show it

on Nov 26, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am a stay at home mom to my almost three year old daughter. I am very career oriented and that makes it really difficult to enjoy staying home. I started baby sitting just so that my daughter could learn to socialize. I realized the importance of staying at home when I saw the kids I babysit missing their parents and telling my daughter how lucky she is to always have her mom around her. However, I still have depressing days when I can't wait to send her to school and work at least part-time. We have developed a culture where taking care of family is really devalued and that leads to depression.We need to remember our family is the most important part of life unless we need to work to make ends meet . Ladies you are really doing the best job don't worry about appreciation from others, appreciate yourself (by giving me time).

on Dec 11, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Your children will grow up, faster than you can believe, and you will have plenty of time to do other things. Time with your children can never be replaced. I remember wishing for time to do something, anything, I wanted to every now and then. Now my kids are grown, and I would give anything to have them back. This time is precious. And don't let it stop you. I finally started taking my kids everywhere, even when I had to ride the bus, to get out of the house. They learned to behave in public, and I learned that as long as I kept my expectations realistic, we had a great time.

on Oct 20, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I couldn't afford to stay home after the birth of our children and I found it so hard to go back to work every time. The first weeks I couldn't even answer without becoming tearful that I was happy to be back at work because I was missing my kids so much. I think we all wondered if we were doing the right thing for the kids, for the family. Either way it is a sacrifice whether you decide to go back to work or stay at home with your child since you miss your children and feel you abandon them if you go back and if you decide to stay home and leave a job you loved or maybe even promotions... A solution might to work from home, maybe even just a few hours a day or a few days a week. You could be part of both worlds. Make a list of the pros and cons of each choices and you will know that you are making the right decision. Try to enjoy each stages, with your kids, at work... because at the end, when you are happy and take care of yourself, those around you can only benefefit from it

on Oct 21, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think every mom, married and single and SAHM and working mom, feels unappreciated. We do so much and kids get used to it. Mom's are their rock. Mom's are the one's who lift their spirits. I've found that it is very important for all mom's to have some type of outlet; let it be blogging, hobby, or volunteering with other mom's. Got to have mommy-me time too! Hugs to all mom's!!!

on Oct 24, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

It is an emotional roller coaster. It is by far no easy task being a SAHM. I often think I want to go back to work. I love being at home with my children but wow its not like I thought it was going to be. I have 2 kids. An almost 5 year old daughter who just started preschool this year, and a son who is 15 months old. His new thing is to climb up on everything and to tear the whole house apart! It seems like a never ending cycle. Oye. I have to admit though even though we are really stressed out right now because of my husbands work situation we are making it. My husband has been working at his job for over 4 years and hasn't had a raise... so we have had to make a lot of sacrifices. I am stuck at home all day everyday and can't really do anything because money is tight. I do have to admit though my husband is very supportive. There are days when all I want to do is go to work somewhere and then there are other days when I wouldn't give being a SAHM up for anything!

on Feb 08, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

What people don't understand is being a stay at home mom is a job itself. You have to take care of the children and tend to the house etc. There's always something to do. If someone was to trade places with you, they'll see how it is www.facebook.com/parentingisgreat
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