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Stay at home Mom Blues
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on May 21, 2013 (Read 50539 times | Comments: 24)
I have recently been feeling under appreciated for what I do for my three children and husband. I may not "punch a clock" but perhaps I should because my job is not done until the last child is asleep and I am the first to rise every morning with coffee ready and breakfast to make, then its a roller coaster of chores and "To-do" lists all over again, seven days a week. My husband and I felt it was more important to myself to raise our kids, also with the job i did have when I was pregnant with our first child would not of helped pay anything after daycare. I'm just afraid I will have regrets later about not doing more even though my two sons are straight A students, best in citizenship and well rounded children, my daughter just turned two so I have a few more years to stay home and be the Mother she needs too. Does any other stay at Home Mom feel unappreciated, frustrated and tired of their job at times even knowing how much you love your children?
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