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getting rid of the pacifier
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on Mar 09, 2013 (Read 2504 times | Comments: 16)
My daughter just turned 3 and she wont give up the pacifier. I have been told she will give it up when ready but her teeth have already started messing up. It sound harsh but I have tried hot sauce and she licks it off and still uses the pacifier. Open to all suggestions. I have even tried to hid it and she screams her head off.

on Oct 23, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Cut the end off, they quickly loose interest in sucking on it.

on Oct 24, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I wish I could help with this, but I can't because hiding away the paci from my oldest son worked and he didn't miss him. And my baby, who is 4 months old now never liked it anyways, so he doesn't even need one. I hope you can get the help you need, I know how frustrating can be the task of trying your kid to stop doing something when it is necessary.

on Oct 24, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

You have to do what will work best for your daughter.. but be reminded Mom.. YOU have to be the strong one. When she's screaming that she wants it.. you have to be calm about not having it anymore. Besides the teeth problems, take into account that it could also lead to speech delays or problems. I own a daycare center.Once the kids turn 1.. I no longer allow pacifiers in the daycare. Too many germs & the kids always take them out & set them somewhere. You might want to start with just at bed times~ not during the day. And then, cutting that off too. If she has older siblings, you might be able to discuss the tooth fairy & the Pacifier fairy . Use your imagination. Good luck & keep us posted.

on Oct 24, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

We had the same problem when our oldest was about the same age. We ended up telling him that the "Nuk Fairy" would decide when he was a big boy and when that happened, she would come and get his Nuks so she could give them to little boys that needed them. We made a big show of asking if the Nuk Fairy had come for the next couple of weeks. Then one night we gathered up all the pacifiers and put them away. He woke up the next day and was literally excited to find them gone because "I'M A BIG BOY NOW!!!!" Seriously. It was that easy. I like to think of it as "compassionate cold turkey", lol. :) Good luck!

on Oct 30, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

It is easier (and this might sound mean) if you just hide it and let her cry. She will be okay after a couple of days and no more paci!

on Dec 18, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I find it very important to get the paci away before they turn a year old. It is a lot easier than waiting until THEY are ready, THEY are never ready. All children need some sort of comfort item. For some it's the paci, for others it's a stuffed toy or blanket. I would make it a big deal and throw a BIG GIRL PARTY, put the paci in a box a bury it or just throw it away. As a gift give her a stuffed toy, or new blanket that she can become attached to instead.
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