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getting rid of the pacifier
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on Mar 09, 2013 (Read 2503 times | Comments: 16)
My daughter just turned 3 and she wont give up the pacifier. I have been told she will give it up when ready but her teeth have already started messing up. It sound harsh but I have tried hot sauce and she licks it off and still uses the pacifier. Open to all suggestions. I have even tried to hid it and she screams her head off.

on Mar 10, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

When my boys were little, a pedatrician suggested the following: It was before their birthday's and she asked me if I planned on any type of party. I said yes. The doctor said for the next several weeks to tell the boys several times a day, everyday, party, balloons, cake, no more passey. I did this for weeks, they started telling me, party, balloons, cake, no more passey. On the evening after their party, they walked their passey to the garbage and threw it away. Only once did one of them ask for it back and I reminded him of the party and he said "no more passey"! I pulled their passeys from the trash and washed them and they are put away with their baby blankets now. My boys are now in college and I miss their "passey" days. Good Luck.

on Mar 11, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

My daughter would not give it up she was about 2 yrs old i just decide to hide them and if she asked for them i would be like i dont know and eventually she stoped and forgot about them.

on Mar 15, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

do it gradually v. cold turkey. start witj taking away after breakfast or brushing their teeth, but them have it for afternoon nap and bedtime. stick to your guns once you start, giving will confuse them and make the transition harder. even if the scream. remember they aren't in pain but really ticked off and screaming is their only way to express that.

on Mar 21, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

It was hard getting my niece off the pacifier my sister tried many times. One day we were at the park and noticed a small squirrel My sister said you should give your pacifier to that baby squirrel and my niece did. When she wanted it after that we would remind her that the baby squirrel had it and she would smile and be fine. Maybe you can do something like that so she has a good memory of getting rid of it.

on Mar 21, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Wean her off of it - first during the day except for naps & bedtime. Then naps, and then finally at bedtime. She will cry and fuss at first but she will learn to go without it.

on Mar 25, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I hid my sons, out of sight out of mind for us

on Mar 26, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

we told our daughter that binky bugs were starting to eat at her mouth. Believe it or not she never used it agin after that.

on Sep 16, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Some baby's give them up some dont my five year old sister in law won't give hers up and she just started school it's ridiculous so we made a rule your only aloud to have it at night and now if we hide it she forgets most of the time . Thankfully my 2 month old sit found of blinks only rarely

on Sep 16, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

We started out by telling her that the Paci was going to go bye bye. She only used it at night to sleep. When we took it away she had a little trouble sleeping for a day or two then she got used to sleeping without it.

on Oct 17, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I want to suggest something if you like to try it just throw it away and see what happens.
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